Chapter 3: The Talk Part2

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"What you blushing for beautiful? You ain't never had nobody tell you how beautiful that you are before?" I ask Mariah.

"Not really. Honestly, like I know I'm cute don't get me wrong but it feels good to have someone else tell me that they think I'm beautiful. Thanks." She says with a smile. I don't understand why she's thanking me.

"Thanks for what?" I ask. I'm honestly confused I'm just being 100 with her.

"For just talking to me. And telling me I'm beautiful. It means a lot, and made my day." She says

"Well than you're welcome. But shit can we watch some Netflix or something? Cause they bout to be down there talking for a long ass time. Oh yeah and you owe me cause a nigga hungry. But I wasn't bout to sit down there and hear them talk all that shit that I don't give a damn bout." I say, shit I was hungry but y'all know parents be talking and talking then they wanna ask your opinion like how the hell I'm supposed to know I ain't grown yet. I ain't experienced that shit.

"Nigga really! It ain't that serious. But I got all the snacks up in here so it's coo I got you." She says as she gets up and walks to her closet. Coming back with a bunch of snacks. Like cookies, chips, candy, soda, juice.

"Girl, this doesn't count. This ain't no meal but I gladly will eat it. " I say as she clicks on a movie on Netflix. "What's this?" I ask

"It's called 'Cleveland Abduction.' It's about a man who took like 3 or 4 girls, and kept them for like 10 years." (A/N: This really ain't on Netflix but I love that movie, when I watched it. It's really good it's about Amanda Berry, Gina Dejesus , and Michelle Knight. Who were all abducted by Ariel Castro for like 10 years, then one day they escape when he leaves. Y'all should watch it if y'all haven't. ((It's a lifetime movie)) .)

"Oh okay, it sounds girly but I'm down to watch it. I heard about this." I say, that nigga went out like a coward going kill himself was barley even in prison. Like sucker ass nigga, going kill himself after he put them girls through that shit. Don't make no sense I had sucker ass niggas.

*Next Morning*

"Nigga wake up why the hell you still here? And let me go." I hear Mariah say as she shakes me. Like damn I fell asleep I don't even remember that. But I do remember rapping my arms around her while we was watching movies last night. I wonder why my people ain't come and get me. When they left.

"My bad ma, I ain't mean to fall asleep. Let me get home and shower, get dressed and then I'll come meet up with you so that we can go to school together." I say as I get up, and head to the door.



"Ma I wanna apologize for last night. I was truly out of line. I just want you to know that I love you." I tell my mom as I walk down the stairs and see her in the kitchen.

"It's fine, I understand baby girl, and I love you too! I got your Strawberry pop-tarts and Orange Juice sitting on the table for you. You better get going baby girl. Have a good day. I'll see you when you get out of practice." My mom says.

"Thanks ma, have a good day at work." I yell as I leave out of the house.

I walk outside and tell me why me and this nigga Quan matching. People going be thinking that we did this shit on purpose. But naw it was all an accident, but atleast we both looking good.

"So you jocking my style now ma? I see you though. You look ... beautiful ma." Quan says.

"Thanks, you look good too." I say.

"Let's take some pictures?" Quan asks.

We took a bunch of pictures, went to school, and ate breakfast. Females mugging like bitch for what Quan not my nigga if they want him they can have him. But he a good ass friend. So I'll smack and everyone of them bitchs if I have to.

"Why she muggin so hard?" I hear Quan ask

"Man I don't know probably cause you the new guy in school, and you're cute. She a lowkey hoe." I say

"Is there a problem?" I hear Quan ask. This bitch Crystal then brought her ugly ass over here man why he have to be so extra.

"Did you say something?" She asks trying to sound all cute.

"Yeah, I did. Why you mugging my girl so hard? Is there a problem?" He says. His girl? This nigga childish.

"That's your girl? Why would you want to fuck with her? She's a nobody" Crystal says.

"Bitch don't start I'll dog walk your ass." I say.

"Why she got to be a nobody? Because she don't show off her body like you do, because she doesn't cover her face in make up like you do. Like damn ma we at school cover up your body that's not at all cute put your breast away, and put on some longer shorts. I don't find that attractive at all. She's a beautiful girl inside and out, she cares about her appearance and you should too. So that's why she my girl." Quan says.

"Man whatever." Crystal says. "But if she's your girl why have you yet to kiss her, or put your arms around her anything."

"Girl bye what we have going on is NONE of your business. Stay in your hoe ass lane." I say. As I stand up but Quan pulls me down on his lap.

"It's coo baby girl we don't gotta explain nothing to none of these males or females, you and I both know wassup. Lil momma you can excuse yourself though me and my girl bout to get ready for class." Quan says as he pats me leg telling me to get up.

"You're so childish, but thanks." I say once we walk out of the cafeteria.

"No problem ma, I got you, you're not a weirdo. And I meant what I said I like the fact that you respect yourself and don't show off your body like the majority of these female out here do." Quan says.

"Whatever lets go to class ugly . I bet you I can hoop you." I say

"Girl keep on dreaming. I seen you while yall was trying out yesterday. You need start jumping a lil higher on your jump shot. But you got talent baby girl. " Quan says as he pushes me.

"I bet you I do." I say

"Girl I bet you $20 you don't" Quan says.

"Whatever , what do you want if I lose which I'm not."

"A kiss." Quan says back

"Alright, I got you, but your going to lose. So be ready to give me that $20." I say

*After Gym class*

"You did all that talking and I beat you lil momma." Quan says

"Whatever you cheated, and you only won by 3 points." I whine.

"Girl I don't care if I would have won by half of a point. A win is a win." Quan says. That nigga is childish nigga what the fuck is half of a point?

I see crystal walking over to us so why not give him his win right now.

"Come here." I say to Quan

"Wassup?" He asks leaning down.

"It's time to give you, that kiss that you won." I reply

"Got damn girl, I wasn't expecting all that." Quan says after the kiss. To be honest I wasn't going do all that I just got into the kiss. I couldn't help it that nigga tongue was working miracles.

"Get a room." Crystal says as she walks bye.

"Girl shut, up before I really dog walk your ass when I get home. Bitch I know where you live. I'll do a house visit because I refuse to get kicked out of school and not be on the team because of a basic ass bitch like you." (A/N I really do not react like this I be straight ready to hit a bitch in her mouth lol).

"Lets go babe." I say grabbing Quans hand. It may be petty hoes not bout to play with me. I'm not the one!

"And you called me childish."Quan whispers in my ear.

"Whatever but can I get a piggy back ride to my class?" I ask

"You mean OUR class, I got my schedule changed my classes was going to be way to damn easy. They had me fucked up." Quan says.

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