Chapter 1: The Life Of Mariah

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My name is Mariah Jones. I'm 16 years old. I'm in foster care and have been in my current foster home for a year now. I've been in foster care all of my life. All that I know about my biological parents is that my mom was on drugs and because she tested dirty and I tested addicted to crack/cocaine when I was born. I know nothing about my father though. I like being in the foster home that I'm in but I don't want to get too attached. But my foster parents Kimberly and Johnathan are amazing people. Anyways I run cross country, play basketball, and I also run track. I'm 5'4 & have short curly hair when it is in an afro and when it's straight it goes about to my shoulders. I cut my hair a year ago so that I could embrace my natural hair. I love it and rock it well. I guess I have a lot of hair for a fully black girl. It annoys me when I'm somewhere and people ask me if my hair is real. Or if they can touch my hair. Like duh my hair is real and no you can't touch my shit nigga. I don't know if your hands are clean. But don't get me wrong even though I'm in love with my natural hair I will still rock some weave if I want to. Nothing is wrong with it.

"Mariah wake up baby girl." My foster mom Kimberly comes in my room and yells. YES I'm 16 and use an alarm clock but she knows that my ass will still be KO'D.

"I'm already up ma I'm in my bathroom." I yell back.

"Okay,have a good day baby girl. Jonathan and I want to talk to you when you get home after tryouts. Good luck baby girl I know you can make the team." Kimberly says to me.

"Thanks." I reply back YES today is tryouts for the basketball team. Am I nervous no not really I know that I can hoop there's no doubt about it.

I finish getting dressed and then tell ma bye and walk out the door. While I'm locking the door I look over and see a fine ass boy about my age walking out the house next door. Looks like we have new neighbors. I start to walk until I hear someone telling "excuse me" so I turn around.

"Wassup?" I ask the boy that I'm assuming is my new neighbor.

"Can you show me where to go to get on the bus?" He asks.

"Yeah. But can you stay behind me I don't want my foster parents to get the wrong idea and get mad." I say without even thinking why the hell would I just run my mouth like that and say I'm a foster child right off the back I'm so damn dumb.

"No they won't. Mrs. Kimberly and my foster mom Martha are best friends. I've met Mrs. Kimberly a few times before. My name is La'Quan by the way but you can just call me Quan."

"Oh okay. And hey Quan I'm Mariah." I say

"Do you mind showing me around the school when we get there? " he asks.

"Not at all. I'll help you out." I reply back. As we stop at the bus stop.

We stood for a few minutes waiting for the bus to come. When it finally did it took us about 15 minutes to make it to the school. I get here early so that I don't have to worry about being late to school and so that I can eat breakfast. Kimberly always be trying to tell me she'll make me something to eat but I don't want to worry her, she works hard she's a nurse at the hospital. My foster dad Jonathan is a Doctor at the same hospital. They work the same hours so we spend time together whenever they're off. They work nights so when I'm sleep they are at work and home by the time that I wake up. I showed Quan around the school and where his classes ate at we have most of our classes together . Every class that I take he takes just not at the same time. Right now me and Quan are at my locker getting my stuff so that we can go to Advanced PE. We got to know each other while we at breakfast. When we got to the gym our teacher coach Johnson said we was having free day so me and Quan Sat Down and talked some more.

"So Quan how long you been living with Mrs. Martha and Lamar? " I ask

"A year. How long you been with Mrs. Kimberly and Jonathan?" He replies back.

"Same, tell me bout yourself since you got to ask most of the questions at breakfast." I say

"Well as you know my name is La'Quan. I'm 16 years old. I'm a foster child. I don't really know much about my biological parents. I've been through a lot in life but I feel like God will take you through hell just to allow you to make it to Heaven. I play football, basketball , and I run track." He says

"That's cool I hoop too, run track too but I run cross country. Instead of playing football." I reply back with a laugh.

The bell rings for us to go to class were going our separate ways since we don't have class together . I turn around as something came to my head.

"Hey, Quan." I say.

"Wassup Ma?" He says turning around and walking towards me.

"Just thought you would like to know that basketball tryouts are today after school you should come and tryout."

"Alright thanks, I appreciate it I'll be there."


Damn Mariah is fine as hell. I like that she's not one of them females that we acting like they're too good to get dirty. Like nigga sweat ain't never killed nobody get over yourself. I texted my foster mom to see if she could bring me some basketball shorts and shoes. She said yeah so looks like I'll be trying out for the basketball team. I've been on Varsity my Freshmen, and Sophomore year. So I'm hoping I'll be on for Junior and Senior year too.

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