Chapter2: The Talk Part 1

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I'm just getting back home from tryouts. I did alright could have done better but I was tired as hell . I been getting fat momma be cooking that good shit. Haha I can't just eat as much as I like to anymore gotta switch that up and eat better portions.

"I'm Home mom, I'm just bout to get in the shower then you and dad can tell me what you need to tell me." Yes I call them mom and dad honestly they're the only foster parents that I have called mom and dad cause it actually seems like they care bout me. 30 Minutes later I was dressed and out the shower.. Time to see what they have to say.

"wassup?" I ask them as I sit down at the table next to my plate of food ma already made for me.

"Hold on baby girl, we have guest coming over for dinner. Then we can talk." My dad says. Not to long later in walks Lamar, Martha, and Quan.

"Hey, Quan, Mr. Lamar, and Mrs. Martha." I say as the come and sit at the table , Quan sat next to me. Damn this boy is fine.

"Wassup beautiful?" Quan asks.

"Not shit, ready to eat and sleep. Tryouts got me tired." I say. As my mom looks at me giving me that look to watch my mouth. "Sorry, ma it slipped out."

"That's what you better say. So are ya'll ready for the news?" My mom ask.. yall ? What the fuck is really going on? I'm confused as hell.

"We know we should have talked to you guys before now.. But all of our foster liscnse are about to expire." Martha Starts talking but I interrupt her.

"So what are yall saying? We have to go back to them foster centers? Wow I thought that I finally found a place that I could call home." I say

"I don't think that's what they're saying." Quan says.

"Then what are they trying to say nigga. Use some common sense that's the only logical fucking answer!" I yell at him. Like he really starting to irritate the hell out of me right now.

"They said that their foster license is about to expire! Not that they don't want us. They don't just want to be our foster parents anymore. They want to adopt us!" He says. Ohh that do make more sense but shit they could have just said that.

"That's right. Mariah I love you to death baby girl. And I may never be your blood mother but I will always love you like you're my blood daughter. I will do anything to see you happy. I will never leave you. I will never make you go back to those places. This, this is your home baby girl. Know that even if you're 30 you're more than welcome to call this home. this will always be your home! I promise you that. I put that on my own heartbeat baby girl. You're not going anywhere. Except to the court house with us in a few weeks so we can make this adoption final." Kimberly says. I can't help but cry. I can't believe that I actually thought they wouldn't want me. They have been the people who always showed interest in what I really like.

"I'm sorry, I should have known that you guys wouldn't leave me. It's just I always told myself that I couldn't get too attached. If it's okay I'm not hungry anymore. May I go upstairs and watch TV?"

I feel so damn dumb, I honestly had no right to go off like that. I'm actually glad that they would like to adopt me. I'm sitting here thinking when Quan comes in my room.

"You alright beautiful?" He asks

"Yeah, I just feel so dumb. I'm sorry for going off on you like that." I reply.

"Na, it's coo I understand. I've had them talks that ended the way you were going." He replies.

"Why you keep calling me that" I ask

"Calling you what? Calling you beautiful?" He asks and starts to laugh a little.

"Yeah." I reply I'm being serious I don't know why he wanna laugh.

"Because , it's true you're beautiful." Honestly it's making me blush he's so nice.

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