09. Shopping but for a goat?

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They had left the inn. Not a moment after leaving the building Inej dropped to the ground beside Valencia, whom she sent a short smile before  she turned her attention to Kaz. 

"All clear" she nodded before falling into step beside Jesper. 

"This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole Sun Summoner plan" the  conductor piped up causing all eyes to turn on him. Valencia could feel her brows rise in surprise.

"Abandon?" The Grisha and Kaz questioned at the same time, voices incredulous.

"We're in this now." Kaz continued his stare burning holes into the conductor. 

Both Inej and Valencia turned to stare at the Conductor, Jesper's gaze however never left Kaz. 

"And I know what a million Kruge means to me. What does it mean to you?" 

Inej was the first to answer, "Freedom"

"Fun. Like, at least a few months." Valencia shook her head at Jesper's words. Of course she knew that he was going to gamble all his money but saints she had hoped that he would at least save some money for himself. 


 A beat of silence followed Arken's statement, it was obvious that everyone was waiting for Valencia to name her reasoning but she stayed silent. 

"Right, so we press on." Kaz knew her better than anyone, he knew her wish not to answer didn't stem from her unwillingness towards the group. But because she genuinely did not know what to do. The money couldn't buy her protection, she was Grisha and would be hunted till the day she died. There had only been two times in her life when she had truly felt safe, she'd confided to him one night, she'd felt safe at the little palace before everything broke and she'd felt safe whenever she was with the crows. Because no matter how bad the situation they always managed to get out of it. That was why she had tagged along on this job, because Kaz had promised her he was going to make sure she was okay and he vowed to keep it. 

"Get us across the Fold and I'll figure out the rest on the other side."

"We'll figure out the rest" Valencia corrected Kaz. 

"Fine." the conductor relented setting his bag on the ground so he could pull out a small note block from his pocket.

"To cross, I'll need 20 pounds of alabaster coal. A peck of Majdaloun jurda. Uh, not the kind from Kerch. It's too weak. And, uh... a goat." as Arken listed the last point the crows exchanged confused looks. 

What in the Saint's name do we need a goat for

The Conductor ignored the confused looks he received as he continued his instructions, "Now, we meet in the dead of night. There's a wreckage of a skiff northeast, on the edge of town."

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