05. The lead

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— Crow Club, Ketterdam (Kerch)—

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— Crow Club, Ketterdam (Kerch)—

Walking into the Crow Club and looking around, Valencia noted that the Ravkan refugee Iris had told her about was nowhere to be found.

 "Saints damn you Kaz!" the dark haired woman cursed under her breath and made her way to the private rooms of the crow club.

Nearing Kaz office, she could hear him saying something about people from Ravka not mentioning the western part.

"Brekker, if you want to keep this conversation private I suggest talking in a volume, that doesn't allow everyone near the door to hear you" the squaller suggested entering the room the name Brekker tasting like acid in her mouth. He was still Kaz Ritvield to her, despite the things he had done in the past present or future, but she respected him enough to adjust to the name change.

"You're back"

"You seem surprised. I was planning on saving your arse, but it seems you were faster. Tho I do believe, that I should take it from here"

Valencia looked to the frightened older woman.

"You're, you're"

"Valencia Petronava, I know"

"Your Face was plastered over half of Ravka," if Valencia had said she was surprised it would have been a dead lie. She knew he would be looking desperately for her, but she knew she had to leave him and that palace and return to Ketterdam, to her family.

At the woman's comment Kaz raised an eyebrow at his friend. Valencia already mentally prepared to be questioned later by the bastard of the barrel. But for now they needed answers.

"That is not of importance right now. I have been informed, that you have a child, a Grisha, and that you fled in order to protect her. Now I don't blame you, any mother who isn't out of her mind would do so. But I need you to tell me how you got through the fold"

She continued, voice softer "I believe you know of my capabilities and my contacts. I can get you and your child away from here and away from the army and make sure you are safe -"

"But first we need you to cooperate," Kaz was obviously beginning to grow impatient.

Valencia threw him an annoyed look over her shoulder, still crouched before the woman.

After a few beats of silence the Ravkan took a shaky breath.

"He just went by a title," Valencia nodded encouraging the older woman to continue talking.

"The Conductor"

Valencia turned to look at Kaz, wondering if he had ever heard of the man in question. But the Bastard of the Barrel just gave her a shake of his head. He hadn't heard of the man either.

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