06. Choices

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— Ketterdam, Island of Kerch —

The sound of pleas and weeping came from the room Poppy had told Kaz and Valencia they'd find the Conductor in.

Upon entering Valencia quickly sent a knife flying for her head into a different direction, it only took a moment for her glare to turn soft upon finding a teary eyed Inej over the Conductors squirming  body.

"He's our way to Alina Starkov,"Kaz cut straight to the point.

"Him?" the Wraith gritted out her blade still at the man's throat.

"Inej, Heleen knew it, she was using you to sabotage this job", Valencia attempted to calm her friend, slowly inching closer to the young woman.

"She and I made a deal", Inej wasn't letting the man go and Valencia turned back to Kaz, who was still standing in the doorway.

"It isn't worth more than what we get with him alive"

"You choose him over my freedom?" Inej glared at Kaz.

A shiver ran down Valencias' spine. Freedom. The thing Inej had always longed for since she had been taken. Who were they to deny her that.

Taking a deep breath, Valencia held her hand up feeling Kaz opening his mouth to speak again.

"Inej, love. I know how you've longed for this and who are we to not let you have it. But this job could free you just as much and think of how many people we could help. I know this is not how you want to get it. If I must I will kill him myself. But let him help us with our job first" Valencia spoke kneeling in front of her friend.

One of the things Valencia had always loved about Inej was that she valued life. 

No matter if it was a human or an animal, she valued it. And just like Valencia she wanted to protect those who deserved it and couldn't do it themselves. That was one of the reasons why Valencia helped Iris with the green leaf house.

She didn't want to see any other Grisha sold into captivity or hunted for what they were.

Valencia could see her friend struggle, until finally she let go of the conductor and stepped into her open arms.

The bound man lying on the ground let out a loud sob and Valencia could feel Kaz let a breath of relief go. Their job was no longer in danger.

Valencia hugged her suli friend whose body was shaking ever so slightly.

"You made the right choice", the taller woman promised her head beside Inejs' ear.

Kaz took his place beside Valencia, his eyes fixing the conductor with their usual glare. "Conductor. I have a job for you get us to the Little Palace"


While leaving the Conductor, Kaz informed Valencia of his plan to visit Heleen and ordered her to return to the crow club and wait.

And so it happened that Valencia Petronova paced through the private rooms of the club, waiting for her friend to return.

The Grisha's pacing was stopped by the doors opening and a disheveled looking Kaz entering the room.

Once the doors fell closed, Kaz's body seemed to deflate with one deep sigh as he rubbed his hands over his face.

"You should get some re- "

Kaz cut her off before she could suggest he'd get some sleep, "I don't need rest. What I need is for you to tell he why half Ravka is looking for you"

"And don't give me some shit excuse. I know when you lie," he said before she could object.

"I'm not one of your cronies to command around Kaz," Valencia crossed her arms wanting to keep this to her.

She had shared her intimate thoughts and feelings with him. Her pat and her present. Why couldn't she keep this small part to herself.

"You're coming with us. So you best start telling me everything so I know what to expect once we're there."

"If you don't want to tell me because of the job," he let out another long and deep sight, "Then tell me as a friend"

As much as she hated to admit it, Valencia was surprised by his words. In the two years Valencia had spent in Ketterdam, Kaz had rarely let the "lone wolf act" drop.

"You want to know what happened?" Valencia asked her hands curling into fists.

She knew that telling him would open old wounds , would rip open dams holding back humiliation and pain, but in that moment of anger, of frustration she didn't care.

"Fine. I'll tell you what happened"

(A/n: Hello lovelies, here's another chapter for you. I hope you enjoy it and please don't forget to vote and comment thank you <3)

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