Chapter 4-New Blades/Comfort

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After having an encounter with Brighid, the Jewel of Mor Ardain, (Y/N) and his friends then head to the inn in the city and get rooms to rest. He knew that the girls all had a crush on him, and he waited patiently for them to confess to him. As the driver was laid on the bed alone, he heard what appeared to be a bit of crying. Confused and curious, (Y/N) went out with Corvin and began to investigate where the noise came from. Going into the alley they met Brighid, (Y/N) and Corvin found two girls huddled together and having tears run down their faces. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the two were blades, by their core crystals. The first one had pale skin with light blue eyes, had an eyepatch with a spike emerging from it, and wore armor that fit her body loosely. The second girl was taller, with darker skin, had an eyepatch as well with lilac eyes and wore a tight outfit that showed her curves. (Y/N) also noticed a spear and a katana by them, so he figured those were their weapons.

 (Y/N) also noticed a spear and a katana by them, so he figured those were their weapons

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(Y/N): 'Blades? Where are their drivers? And why are they so sad?'

He approached them in a calming manner, and upon seeing him, the two blade girls flinched and looked away from him. This raised alarms in his head, as (Y/N) looked at Corvin and knew this would be a problem.

(Y/N): I'm not going to hurt you two. I promise.

The two girls turned their heads slowly and looked at (Y/N), who had a warming smile on his face. Both girls had very small tinges of pink on their faces, and decided to trust his word for now.

(Y/N): It's okay. You'll be safe. Might I ask what your names are?

The first girl, the taller of the two, spoke up.

Praxis: My Praxis....this is my sister, Theory..

(Y/N): Well, it's nice to meet you girls. My name is (Y/N), and this is Corvin. I know I shouldn't ask now, but where are your drivers?

Both girls looked down and felt like crying again. (Y/N) was worried about them, but when he saw a purple mark on Theory, he had to know.

(Y/N): You girls can tell me, I won't be mad at you two. Did your drivers abuse you?

Praxis felt very weak, and couldn't look at (Y/N) in the eyes. Theory was lightly whimpering, and before anyone else knew it, she latched herself onto (Y/N) and bawled her eyes out. (Y/N) began to lightly caress Theory as she was crying, while he just whispered in her ear a soothing lullaby to calm her down. Corvin saw this and looked to (Y/N), who nodded to him, and left to get the others. After a while, Theory stopped crying and her breathing was light. (Y/N) saw that she was out cold, and felt pity for her and Praxis.

Praxis: I'm....sorry...

(Y/N): Don't apologize. You girls did nothing wrong. You don't have to say it, but I have a feeling that your drivers harmed you. Right?

Praxis only nodded meekly, and it confirmed to (Y/N) that he was going to kill the drivers of these two girls. A moment later, everyone in his group came out and saw the two girls close to (Y/N). Pyra, Mythra, Pneuma and Nia were jealous at first, but when they saw marks on the two, their jealousy turned to worry for the girls. Everyone then took them into the inn, with (Y/N) carrying Theory in a bridal carry, while Praxis was being supported by Mythra and Pneuma. Once the two were on the beds out cold, (Y/N) explained why they were out there. Angered was an understatement, as the girls all had a murderous aura around them. (Y/N) knew they'd act this way, so he gave them all a kiss on their foreheads, causing them to blush badly and bring them back down.

(Y/N): I get your mad. But we have to wait for now as there are other things to worry about. Let's just focus on making sure those two are okay, and give them a better life.

All of them agreed and went to bed as (Y/N) had checked on the two one last time before going to sleep.

Timeskip Next Day

(Y/N) woke up earlier than everyone else and went to check on the girls. He lightly knocked and saw Mythra wake up with bed head. She was about to panic, but calmed down after (Y/N) lightly smiled.

Mythra: (Y/N)? What brings you here?

(Y/N): I came by to check on everyone here.

Mythra: Oh, okay. Please come in.

(Y/N) entered and saw Praxis and Theory talking to the other girls for a bit, then saw (Y/N). All the girls were blushing a bit, but they all had smiles on their faces. Once he sat down, the girls saw what was in his hand, and knew that only (Y/N) could offer a better life for Praxis and Theory.

(Y/N): Glad to see you all are up. You two *to Praxis and Theory* seem to be looking better after last night.

Both girls nodded, glad that they had a few people to call friends. Once they saw the thing in (Y/N)s hands, both of them were shocked and felt like they could be better off with him.

(Y/N): I see you girls know what I have. My question is would you two be willing to join me and the others, and live far better lives?

Praxis was the first to respond, and she could not be anymore happy.

Praxis: Yes! Of course I'd join!

(Y/N) smiled and looked to Theory, who was a little hesitant, but did answer.

Theory: I...I'd love that.

(Y/N) smiled and used the two Overdrive Protocols on Praxis and Theory, making them his blades now. Both girls were so happy to leave their former drivers behind, and could look forward to a new chapter in their life. Shortly after, (Y/N) left them to talk while he went to get breakfast made for everyone. The girls all looked towards the two new blades, and knew what had to be discussed. So they split in three pairs to talk: Pyra with Nia, Mythra with Praxis, and Pneuma with Theory. Each of them talked, and came to a conclusive agreement: they'd all share their love to their driver, and confess when it's right. The aegis girls already did confess to him, but now they know a few more girls will be joining sometime in the future. They knew it was only a matter of time, but they were also worried on when they'd be free from their own nightmares.

New chapter! Finally Praxis and Theory are making their debut, and soon there will be other blades joining our main guy. The next chapter is actually going to be a few flashbacks as to when the aegis girls fell for (Y/N), and how it happened. Comment here on who you'd like to see be summoned next for (Y/N). If you need a guide on who the blades will be, check the bio to help you out. But with that said, thank you all so much for reading, and I'll see y'all later🤘🤘

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