A Gift From God

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Aarons POV

I walked across Teleria ready to go train in the guardian ring. I picked up a two handed axe and started to get lost in my thoughts. I shouldn't have tried. I should have just left him. He wouldn't have died.


"Aaron, run!" screamed a soldier "I will not leave u here Gazgull" I yelled. I picked up the axe of my brother and threw it at a dwarf. Gazgull managed to get back up and then was impaled by 4 or 5 spears. "NOOOOO" I yelled letting a burst of frost magic out of my body.

*end of flashback*

I put the axe down and picked up a sword and a trench mace. I walked into the ring to see an armoured soldier across the other side. The bell rang and we walked to each other slowly. I then smashed his helmet with my mace 3 times then struck him with my sword. He tried to stab me but I dodge as I smash his chest plate and crack it with my mace. He let out a loud groan and punched me into the wall of the ring. I got up and ran back at him and destroyed his helmet with the sword and knocked him out with the mace out of sheer rage. I looked at the blood I spilled as the bells rang to announce me as the winner. I dropped the weapons and walked out the ring slowly with my head down. The voices started to speak. Only one word but it was enough to startle me. "Monster." I removed the armour and walked to my home with my head down low. I went out to the garden and sat on the grass. I grabbed my knife and started to cut the ground angrily. I was about to stop until I heard a knocking sound when I hit the ground. I started to dig with my bare hands and there was a box, around a foot tall, 6 foot long. I lifted it out of the ground and immediately started to open it. It revealed 3 things wrapped in cloth with a letter. I started to read the letter.

Dear my son

I wanted you to have these items but u were not ready for them. I wanted you to atleast mature a little before giving u these but I knew I was going to die before then. So I let fate decide the items fate. Clearly u found them if ur reading this letter. These items were mine and it could increase the power of the frost magic that u were gifted with. The smallest item is an ice dagger. It was given to me by ur mother and now it is urs, u know what it does...

I stopped reading and unwrapped the dagger. It was the dagger mother used to talk about. I continued to read.

The other 2 items is my bow and quiver with a few handcrafted arrows. Combine ur magic with ur arrows and u can do all sorts of things, I love u son


I folded the letter and put it in my pocket then unwrapped the bow and quiver. The quiver had my mothers name stitched onto it. I put the quiver on my back with the arrows and looked at the bow. It had my mothers and fathers name engraved on either side of it. A tear ran down my face. "I love u mum and dad" I whispered as I stared at the bow. After 5 minutes of staring at it I put it on my back and walked away from my home leaving the hole there and went hunting to test out my new weapon. I unfroze the frost dagger which turned it into a regular dagger and then dropped it instantly after getting a fright. I let out a sigh after I saw it was just a deer. I picked up the dagger then drew my bow and one arrow. I aimed at the deers neck and drew back the string. I let go and it hit right where I wanted. I ran up to the deer and put the deer to rest. "Shhh, Im sorry, its ok, shhh, I wont leave u here, ur sacrifice will not be wasted." I said and I put my knife into the deer and its head feel onto the floor lifeless.

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