Chapter 16

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Lizwi's Pov

Right now I wish I cannot see because of what Nobuhle did, she killed men like it was cutting a piece of cake and only came out with a bullet wound just one wound. Right now I am freaking out and I can't even think properly because just as I touched her she fainted but there is something about her eyes, her eyes were a bit yellow with a touch of brown almost like an animal and that scared me I won't lie. I didn't know what to do so I just took her to the hospital. I am driving to Thando's hospital because I think she is the one that will get her help right now since my mind is fucked up, she is usually good under pressure and I'm not I fight and that's not needed right now but I promise that I will get whoever that did that to my wife, yes I said my wife she is crazy if she thinks I'm going to let her go that easily. While I was driving to the Hospital I decided to call Thando so she can be ready when I rock up, she answered almost immediately.

Thando: hunk on hunks

Me: Thando this is not the time Nobuhle was shot


Me: Thando!


Me: Thandolwethu Mkhize!!

Thando: uthini? (What did you say?)

Me: Nobuhle was shot and I'm on my way to your hospital right now I'm five minutes away and I'm driving fast please get ready for her. I also tied something on her arm to stop the bleeding.

Thando: okay okay I'll wait by the door

Me: okay

I hung up, I increased my speed. I was driving like a maniac on the road and in exactly 4 minutes I got to the hospital and true to her words she was already waiting for me. She ran to my car, I also got out and went to pick her up.

Thando: where is she?

Me: at the back

I said while opening my door and getting her out, then I saw men with a bed.

Me: and then? I'm not putting my wife there I'm carrying her.

Thando: agh fine let's go

We ran inside with me holding her and Thando directed me to where the doctor was, we got there and they put her on the bed them they started working on her.

Doctor: take him out

Me: I hope you are not talking about me because I am not going anywhere my wife needs me.

A nurse came to me.

Nurse: sir I need you to get out the doctor will do his best with your wife but you..

I cut her off.


Thando: Lizwi please

Me: Thando don't start with me and why are you standing and looking at me my wife is losing a lot of blood dammit!

Thando: let him be I will be next to him

They nodded and carried on with her, they must work or this hospital will burn into ashes. Thando came and stood next to me, she had tears in her eyes.

Thando: I will get whoever did this to her and I will give them a slow and painful death.

She said with so much rage in her eyes.

Thando: they will die that is a promise.

I nodded and she took out her phone and typed something while wiping her tears, I turned my attention to what was happening with my wife and it was the same scene they were busy with her. I rubbed my face roughly and put my hands on my head, if only I didn't allow her to go maybe she'd be okay right now. After some minutes they took out the bullet and cleaned her. When they were done they transferred her to a single ward. Thando went out about 5 minutes ago so I was left alone with her. I went and stood next to her then took her hand and held it.

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