Chapter 13

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Kayla's Pov

I was walking to the parking lot when I noticed a black BMW 3 Series following me it has been following me for a couple of days now. I first panicked then remembered that Nobuhle told me to never panick because it messes things up, so while walking I took out my phone and typed 'there is a black BMW 3 series following me if I don't call in the next 15 minutes then something is wrong' in our girls group chat, then I carried on walking but before I got to the gate it stopped right next to me and someone came out. I turned to look at who it was and to my surprise it wasn't someone dangerous, it was Jeremy the guy that took us home when we were drunk. I also think he works for Caleb the Greek God. He then walked towards me and I carried on standing till he was right next to me.

Jeremy: Kayla

Me: Jeremy

Jeremy: how are you?

Me: I am good and how are you?

Jeremy: I am good now

Me: why have you been following me?

Jeremy: I haven't been following you

Me: really? Okay so explain the car that has been parking one street away from my house every night even when I'm off it's there and you have been following me to work for the past two days now.

Jeremy: okay fine you got me, I'm surprised you haven't reported me or got scared to go anywhere

Me: I don't have the energy to do anything now even if you were to kidnap me I wasn't going to do anything, so why have you been following me around?

Jeremy: I don't like how you're talking right now but to answer your question I want you .

I blushed and looked away and my hair fell covering my face and he came closer to me. While my hair was covering my face he put his palm on my cheek and looked at me but I didn't look up mainly because I was a blushing mess because Sam never held me like that before, his hands were so soft and I just couldn't hold myself I was now blushing like crazy.

Jeremy: look at me

There's something about his voice, it's so sweet yet commanding and rough at the same time, I like it. I remaind like that I didn't look up.

Jeremy: Brownie please look at me

I giggled a bit and a smile formed on his lips then I looked up at him, his smile grew till his teeth were showing. He then tucked my hair over my ear and looked at me. I remained standing not knowing what to do, I think it's because of how affectionate he is right now which is something I am not used to because of Sam.

Jeremy: you look very beautiful brownie.

I blushed and looked down.

Jeremy: please stop looking down I want to see your beautiful face.

I looked up to him then smiled a bit.

Jeremy: can I please take you home?

Me: my car is here so no you can't take me home.

Jeremy: you can leave your car here it's safe.

Me: I know but no I want to take my car home.

Jeremy: okay then can I take you out for dinner tonight.

Me: uhm...

Jeremy: and I'm not taking no for an answer or any excuse you're thinking of, I'll see you tonight at 7 pm sharp.

Me: but I...

Before I could answer again he came to me and kissed my forehead twice and he got into his car but didnt leave. I was left dumbfounded not knowing what to do with myself.

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