Chapter 12

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I woke up with a banging headache, yesterday's events then came back flooding in my mind. Esihle dreams of Nkosiyamazulu or Ndlovukazi and they talk to her and tell her things but not me? I have to talk to Esihle about her dreams. While I was thinking about Esihle's dreams I had a flashback.


Esihle: it said I am a princess and they would do anything for me

Lizwi and I bursted into laughter and told her it's not true.

End of flashback

Damn so this whole time they have been speaking through my daughter and I haven't been giving her attention. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes while letting guilt eat me. I looked for my phone next to the side lamp and I checked the time, it was 19:47 pm I then checked the date and it was still the day I came back from the hospital good at least I didn't sleep for days. I stood up and went to take a shower, wore my pyjama's then I went to the living room. I found then watching Shimmer and shine, I'm sure it was Esihle's idea to watch cartoons and Lizwi had no choice. I went to sit next to Esihle who was now in the middle of me and Lizwi.

Me: have you bathed baby?

Esihle: no mommy I haven't

Me: okay let us go and bath

Esihle: okay

Me: go to your room while I talk to daddy

She jumped off the sofa and ran to her room

Me: no running inside the house Esihle!

She slowed down and walked until I couldn't see her. I'm sure she started running as soon as she turned by the corner. I turned to Lizwi who was looking at me with fear.

Me: why are you scared

Lizwi: because of what's going on with you and who is Zulu cause Esihle said she is Amahle'amazulu Zulu? Last time I checked I am a Maphumulo not a Zulu what is going on?

I looked at him, I know he will start thinking that Esihle is not his just like his aunts told him and the fact that Esihle looks like me and not him will make things worse.

Me: For 4 years you believed that Esihle is yours what changed?

Lizwi: Nobuhle ngikubuze ukuthi ubani lomfana wakaZulu owangifebela naye? (im asking you who is this Zulu guy you cheated on me with?)

Me: you're throwing some serious accusations Mr Maphumulo

Lizwi: uEsihle ingane yami yebo noma cha? (Is Esihle my child yes or no?)

Me: I don't have time for this

I stood up and left him, I went upstairs to Esihle's room and she had already taken off her clothes. I went to put luke warm water in her bathing tub and some foam.

Me: baby come

She came and got in the water and we started talking while I was washing her body.

Esihle: mommy

Me: yes baby

Esihle: when you fell the whale showed up

Me: is a lion baby not a whale

Esihle: then what is a whale?

Me: it's an animal that lives in the sea baby it's very big and has a hole on its head that shoots out water

Esihle: okay mommy then the lion showed up

Me: what did it say baby

Esihle: I was scared when you fell and it made a loud noise and I went to where the noise was coming from. I found it sitting in the living room and I went to sit next to it and it licked me mommy and it brushed itself on me then until I slept next to it.

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