Chapter 11

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I got home around 7 pm and Lizwi had been waiting for me. I say he has been waiting because he literally jumped off his seat when he saw me coming in.

Lizwi: where have you been?

He said rushing to me.

Me: the park

Lizwi: why didn't you call or at least send a text, Thando told me what happened why did you leave your friend like that? Yes what she did is wrong but you shouldn't have left Nobuhle it wasn't about you it was about her and you know that.

Me: oh please Lizwi give me a break I know what I should've done and what I shouldn't have done now please stop being an investigator cause this interrogation is really pissing me off.

Lizwi: Nobuhle since when do you speak to me like that?

Me: since now now please I want to bath and sleep.

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