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" it's a girl! "

Screams escaped her as her body refused to bear the excruciating pain. The surrounding ceased to exist as she could only clutch her abdomen. She could hear the panicked voices of her mother and Kiyoko as they tried to calm her down on the way to the hospital.

Despite the crushing pain, she could make out the soothing voices of the nurses as they took her to the room. Tears flowed down her cheeks, and her hands gripped the bedsheet tightly to the extent that her knuckles started turning white.

Out of a sudden, her senses calmed, no they were numbed. The pain died down but never disappeared. Her eyes closed in a light relief as the remaining tears of her eyes escaped. She could still make out the voices of the doctors and nurses. Urgency evident in their tones.

"The anesthesia is kicking in."

Her mind was hazy, and she continued to pray with her consciousness for the safe delivery of her baby. She could feel the stinging pain of the IV needle in her hand. The muffle voices continued in the background.

And the moment arrived which she had been waiting for. Amidst the commotion and the muffled voices, a cry stood out. Her drugged mind recognized it. The cry of a baby. Her baby. Her sweaty face managed to smile at the sound.

Even in the drowsy and sweaty state, where one is not able to comprehend their surroundings, she could feel a light weight being placed on her chest. The nurses guided her hands. Water trickled down her neck, but she didn't pay any heed to it.

"Congratulations, it's a girl."

Her shaky hands held the baby as close as possible. She could make out the warmth of her little one. Words of thanks to God poured out of her lips as she nuzzled into the tiny head. Tears of happiness cascaded as she planted a kiss on her head.

It took a few more minutes for the anesthesia to take over her senses, and her eyes grew tired and closed. The nurse carefully took the baby in her hands to hand her over to the father while the others prepared to shift Y/N to a separate ward.

Kuroo could vividly remember the moment when Saeko called him at the office. It was unusual for her to call him. Picking up the call, his eyes could only widen in panic.

"We are taking Y/N to the hospital."

Just one sentence, and the call was over. But it was enough to throw him into a state of panic and hurry. He immediately handed over the files to Ahira. In concise words, he explained the situation to him and left as soon as possible.

And here, he was. Pacing in front of the room. Waiting for the nurses to arrive with the news. Kiyoko remained beside Y/N's mother to calm the old lady. Hiraku and Teruko couldn't come because of her post-partum rest.

His hands became sweaty, indicating her worry. His heartbeat was erratic as he could overhear her screams. He wanted to be there with her. He wanted to share her pain. He wanted to whisper soothing words to calm her. He wanted to hold her hand as she went through the painful process.

In the end, he could only curse his job. He couldn't be there with her at the moment the pain started.

His cursing came to a sudden halt as the cries of the baby echoed in the hallway. His senses settled down at the sound of the cries. He slumped down the bench beside Kiyoko in relief. Everyone congratulated each other for the good news.

He could feel the vibrations of his phone in his pocket. With shaky hands, he accepted Kenma's call.

"Congratulations, Kuro."

Kenma could hear his tired chuckles, which were laced with happiness.

Kuroo felt a hand on his arm. He looked up to see Y/N's mother smiling at him. He bit his lip as he couldn't contain his happiness. She patted his back while congratulating him.

The door opened, and the nurse walked out with a wide smile on her face. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the little clothed bundle in her arms. The first one to approach her was Kuroo.

"Congratulations, it's a girl!"

His throat dried up, and he gulped in nervousness as she was about to hand her to him. His eyes instantly searched for Y/N's mother. He stepped aside, letting the old lady hold her granddaughter first. While everyone swarmed around her to get a view of the baby girl, he turned to the nurse with a concerned expression.

"How's she doing?"

The nurse smiled at him before gesturing towards a room down the hallway.

"She is doing well. We'll shift her to that room. Right now, she's under the effect of anesthesia. She'll wake up in a few hours."

He nodded and thanked the nurse before returning to the baby.

"Kuroo-kun, are you not going to hold your daughter?"

Y/N's mother extended the baby towards him, but she chuckled at his tense demeanor. He slowly and carefully took the baby in his arms. He held her as if she was brittle, made of glass. The baby's grandmother adjusted his arms a little to make the hold comfortable.

At first sight, one would think that it was Kuroo's first time holding a baby. It is as if he didn't hold and cradle his niece and nephew before.

His eyes softened with warmth as he watched her squirm in his arms. She was so small. Her small hands were clenched into fists. Her eyes were shut closed, making him wonder if she got her mother's eyes.

"Hello, little one. It's your papa."

As if the baby recognized her father's voice, she stopped squirming and settled down. He adjusted his hold and brought her close to his chest, making her snuggle.

His eyes shone in awe and excitement at the sight of his daughter sleeping peacefully in his arms. He waited for nine long months to meet her.

He was not her biological father, but his glossy eyes and cheerful face told a whole different story.

"thank you, my love" •kuroo tetsurou•Where stories live. Discover now