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" She deserves it,
you know "


She was taken aback at the sudden welcome. The whole former Nekoma team minus Lev, and Bokuto and Akaashi greeted her with utmost happiness. She laughed at their antics. Meanwhile, Akaashi and Kenma sighed exasperatedly and shook their heads.

"Kids, now stop swarming her. Give her some space."

Kuroo shooed them away, which earned him whines from the younger ones.

"Okay, Gramps."

An irk mark formed at Kuroo's forehead because of Yaku's comment. Once again, like high schoolers, they started bickering until Kai intervened.

Inuoka and Shibayama took her to the living room, and the rest followed her like ducklings. It was amusing to see the sight again since their high school.

Kuroo watched from the sidelines as she hugged everyone with a wide smile. He could tell that she missed them a lot. Too busy in staring, he didn't notice Kenma walking up to him.

"You really aren't hiding your feelings now, huh?"

Kenma's soft voice broke him from trance. At his question, her smiling face, which he absolutely adored, popped in his mind. This, in turn, brought a small smile on his face. Kenma could only shake his head at his friend's expression.

"She deserves it, you know."

Kuroo started while fiddling with his phone. Kenma sat down beside him to hear his thoughts.

"She is really strong. And that's why, I think, she deserves all the love. Not just mine but everyone's."

Kenma's eyes averted to her. When he came to know about the incident, he was enraged. Not only just him but the rest of the team also. He knew how much she had to endure. She never was the type to speak about her problems to anyone. She would be there to listen to everyone but never spoke about hers. Even in high school, if there was something, she would only speak when he pestered her a lot. His eyes softened as he watched his friend smile and laugh with others.

"I agree with that."

Kuroo smiled at his reply. He knew that despite being a complete introvert, Kenma really cared about her.

"But Kuroo.."

He turned to him with a questioning face. Kenma's cat eyes looked up at him.

"Please, never hurt her."

The images of her crying face flashed in Kuroo's mind. Apart from moving out, he had never seen her cry that much. The day she told him about her and the day when she talked about her insecurities. Everything flashed in his mind. He glanced in her direction and smiled.

"Don't worry. I will never."

"Wait, you're pregnant!"

Bokuto's shocked voice caught their attention. Y/N nervously laughed at him as she told him about the incident. To say he was happy for her would be an understatement.

"Oh my god! Congratulations, Y/N."

Once again, he tackled her in a bear hug. She laughed at his affection but accepted it nonetheless. Bokuto was upset because of that man, but he was happy that she was happy.

"Oh, that's why Kuroo scolded me yesterday. Man, I thought he was just jealous that I hugged you."

Everyone laughed at his words while Y/N's face flushed at his last statement. Their laughing stopped as they stared at her red face with amusement. Their stares made her bury her face in her hands.

"Shut up, you guys. And Bokuto, it's not like that at all."

They decided to end their teasing. Otherwise, Yaku was sure that she would faint because of blushing. Fukunaga took the kitchen to prepare their dinner.

Y/N offered him help but was scolded by Yaku instead. She whined, saying that she does work at home also. This earned her a glare from Yaku, and she stopped.

"Oh, hello, Lev!"

She peered into Inuoka's phone as he facecalled Lev. She was happy to see her junior again, albeit online.

"Y/N-san! I missed you so much!"

His face was shining with excitement as he talked to his senior.

"I missed you too, Lev. Wish you were here, too."

An apologetic smile appeared on his face at her words.

"I am sorry, Y/N-san. If I wasn't busy, I would've come to you."

She talked to him for a while before Alisa called him for some work.

The dinner was served. Yaku cried, saying that he missed eating together with everyone. Bokuto complimented the food before gobbling down the steak. Sneakily, Kuroo stole a piece from his plate, which started a fight.

Akaashi facepalmed at the chaos. Y/N laughed before patting his back.

Throughtout the dinner, cat eyes watched the scene unfold in amusement. Every time Kuroo said anything, Y/N would attentively hear him. Even if it was his obnoxious laughter.

Kenma knew it was not intentional. But those subconscious gestures made him smirk.

After dinner, Kuroo excused himself because of a call. In his absence, Y/N didn't speak much.

She was scrolling down her phone when Kenma sat beside her. She put her phone down and turned to him.

"You know, you don't have to speak only when Kuroo's here. It's not like we are strangers."

He had a sly smile on his face, which made her blush.

"I-it's not like that at all, Kenma. I like to watch everyone enjoy their time. You know that."

"Oya. But you didn't do that back in high school. You used to talk to everyone even when Kuroo-san wasn't there."

Akaashi joined in the teasing. Y/N stared at him incredulously. He was the last person she expected to tease her. He flashed an innocent smile and sat on her other side.

"Stop it, you two."

She lightly smacked their arms, making the snicker at her flustered expression.

"What happened, Y/N? Do you have a fever?"

Yaku's worried voice gained everyone's attention. They turned to her with concerned faces.

"Oh my god, Yakkun. Nothing happened. I am okay."

He narrowed his eyes at Kenma and Akaashi, who flinched but smiled innocently as if they didn't do anything wrong. Y/N laughed when Yaku shooed Kenma away from his place and sat beside her.

"You know, Yakkun. I missed your scoldings."

Yaku stared at her with a teary expression. He gave her a side hug, which she gladly accepted. Their interaction caught everyone's eyes, and they joined in the hug. Kenma made sure that no one would suffocate her.

"We missed you, Y/N."

"Especially someone."

Akaashi whispered, which only Kenma heard, making him snicker. He scanned the room to find Kuroo only to see him entering the room with a confused expression.

Kuroo's face contorted into confusion as to why everyone was hugging her. He turned to Kenma for an answer.

"They missed her."

He spoke at which Kuroo laughed before dragging his friend to join the collective hug.

"I missed you, everyone."

"thank you, my love" •kuroo tetsurou•Where stories live. Discover now