Part 52 Layla

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They landed at the edge of a path that wound its way through the deep, dark forest, surrounded by twisted vines and overgrown ruins. Layla clung tightly to Fear's hand as they made their way deeper into the forest. The remnants of a once magnificent statue lay scattered about, hinting at a time when this path was a grand and impressive walkway.

As they approached their destination, they came upon a clearing lit by flickering candles, casting an eerie glow over everything. Layla couldn't help but be struck by the shine of Terror's hair, the color of fresh blood. It made her wonder if her mother's hair had been as beautiful. The thought of her mother only made her more anxious about what lay ahead.

As they made their way through the forest, strange shadows lurked in the darkness, and bushes rustled as though something were moving within them. Layla watched as red and yellowish eyes flickered in the darkness and a swarm of neon green bugs floated overhead. She was fascinated by everything around her, but also frightened.

Finally, they arrived at a higher platform, where Layla looked out over the dark, shadowy jungle, and the stars twinkled overhead. She couldn't help but notice that they were different from the stars she had seen before. It was as if they were part of some otherworldly illusion.

As they approached a green stone arch in the center of an odd sign, Layla watched as the dark Duke stepped forward and placed his hand in front of it. Suddenly, the air between the frame began to swirl, and Layla watched in amazement as the Duke and Terror disappeared into the pulsating darkness. Fear gave her a shove, and she stumbled forward, tumbling headfirst into the portal.

The next thing she knew, she was gasping for breath, her vision blurred by the blue fuzzy light that surrounded her. Cold, salty air filled her lungs, and Layla found herself struggling to stay conscious.

'' My patience is limited. Are we going to stay here all day?'' barked a gruff voice. Tree pairs of shiny boots contoured in her eyes, and a throbbing headache bloomed between her eyes. She retched once, feeling like she was going to lose her entrails, but thankfully nothing came out. She was starving and half-blind when a pair of gigantic hands grabbed her and threw her over someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

''If she is going to vomit on me, Sob, I swear on redbones I am going to break her in half, Citadel or no citadel,'' growled Terror's voice.

Layla felt a surge of panic, but something about Terror's tone made her feel a little more at ease. Despite everything that had happened, she couldn't help but feel drawn to him and the others. Perhaps they could help her find out more about her mother and her father. She just had to find a way to make them see that she was more than just a burden.

Terror was the one carrying her, moving quickly and steadily despite her weight. Her stomach bumped against his shoulder, causing her to feel even more nauseous than before. Suddenly, they stopped.

"Lean her against this ice pillar and try to keep her on her feet. It won't make a big impression if we carry her while she's unconscious. She may be a mess, but we need her to look presentable to sell this joke," said one of the men.

Someone slapped her across the face, causing her ears to ring. When she opened her eyes, she found herself staring at a neon ice pillar holding up the arched roof of a glass tunnel. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. The tunnel opened up into a larger one, leading to a blue-lighted city filled with glass crystal towers that shimmered like diamonds. It was a sight to behold, looking more like a living creature than a city.

 Beneath her feet, the glass floor revealed a bizarre and gruesome scene. Little neon trees, twisted neon creatures, and mushrooms adorned the ground. Some looked amusing, while others had teeth like razor-sharp swords. A needle serpent bit into a bloated fish, causing a red flower of blood to bloom beneath her feet. It made her cringe, and she gripped Terror's hand tightly. He leaned over her, looking uncomfortable. His black mask and breath frightened her more than the bloody scene below. 

She wanted to scream, but she held it back, clenching her fist tightly. Just then, the Duke yelled at them to move, and they ran through the corridors, pushing past fat guards until they reached the heart of the grand construction. From there, she could see that the city was not as magnificent as it had seemed. Parts of it lay in ruins, shattered towers resembling a colossal animal being eaten away by a deadly disease.

As Fear and Duke approached them, they noticed the same decay that Layla had seen. Did they regret their decision, or were they happy to see the city in this state?

"So this place is rotting down; maybe we should wait until it falls by itself and take back what's ours," spat Fear.

However, Terror did not seem to agree with him. He appeared disturbed, and Layla was the first to sense it, feeling the bone-crushing grip he had on her wrist. But how could this place bother him if he was blind? Why would he even care about this city? She could never understand this madman.

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