Part 46 Katon

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Katon's patience was wearing thin as he waited for Layla to emerge from her room. He had foolishly thought that she would follow him right away, considering the way she had nearly broken her neck in her rush to leave. But as the minutes ticked by, he couldn't help but feel frustrated and disappointed in her incompetence.

"Come on, Layla, what's taking you so long? Did you get lost on the way to the door?" he muttered under his breath, tapping his foot impatiently.

He glanced at the doorway and saw a mass of blue hair and two bugged-out eyes peeking through the crack. "What is she doing in there? " he thought with a shake of his head.

Just as he was about to lose his temper, the door creaked open and a pair of dirty, bare feet appeared. "Finally," he muttered, "let's get this show on the road."

She must think somebody is waiting to pounce and eat her like there is something to eat, maybe boil some bones, a light soup.

''Are you going to hold that door for long? You know hinges are very rusty and old, and that door weighs a ton; IDK if you will be agile enough to run in time. I do not plan to drag you like a rag on the floor after that.''

Layla jumped out of the room and out of the door range like it was full of crawling spiders. One moment this cat is excellent, and you please, the other is spiky, and his tongue bites like a snake.

''Follow me and do not gawk around too much; I have no time or mood for that'', barked Katon again.

They strolled along the long corridors they came to last night, but now the bluish light coming down from the vast dome above gave everything a different one. It was a slight feeling of early morning, an extraordinary one for sure. The best morning combination team, Terror, Torture, and Fear, have lounged around the fire hearth in the hall; the Duke was laughing about something Fear was reporting him. He was impeccably dressed as usual, and she felt like a stray dog walking in this hall. However, they paid little attention to them.

The scent of morning dew and fresh bread wafted through the air, mingling with the faint sound of laughter and clinking glasses coming from the Duke's hall.

Katon couldn't help but feel like an intruder as they passed by the group of high society folks, with their impeccably dressed attire and haughty demeanor. "Just keep your head down and don't attract attention," he muttered to Layla as they continued on their mission.

ATLANTION - LAYLA BOOK1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora