Part 11 Layla

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Layla stumbled through the twisting tunnels, her heart racing with fear and confusion. The air was thick with the stench of mildew and decay, and every step she took echoed through the dark caverns with a bone-chilling scrape.

She felt like she was being watched, and the shadows seemed to grow darker and more menacing with each passing moment. Her mind raced with thoughts of all the dangers that could be lurking in the shadows: creatures with sharp teeth and claws, twisted beings that hungered for her flesh.

As she turned a corner, Layla's foot caught on a jutting pipe, and she stumbled forward with a cry of pain. Her thumb throbbed where it had hit the metal, but she forced herself to keep moving, to keep running.

Just as she rounded another corner, something fell from the ventilation pipe above her with a loud crash. Layla jumped back with a scream, her heart pounding in her chest. A moment later, she realized it was just a small robot, its sewing arm jerking spasmodically as it lay on the ground.

But as she bent down to pick it up, a shadowy figure lunged out from the darkness. Layla's heart leapt into her throat as she tried to scream, but no sound came out. She could feel the pressure on her chest, her breaths coming in quick, panicked gasps.

For a moment, she thought it was all over. But then, with a flicker of movement, the figure darted away into the shadows. Layla was left alone, trembling and gasping for breath, her mind racing with fear and confusion.

"I apologize, Miss. I forgot to give this to you," the sewing robot blurted out as it handed Layla a strange metal box. Layla rubbed her forehead, feeling a slight headache coming on from all the new and strange experiences she was having in this underground world. She couldn't help but wonder what else she might encounter.

To help Layla navigate the tunnels, Patsy had given her a Direction box. By entering the destination point, arrows appeared on the screen showing the way with directions such as left, right, forward, or elevator. As Layla followed the arrows, she couldn't help but notice the eerie scraping of nails on metal, the dark shadows that seemed to lurk around every corner, and the occasional musty smell that filled her nostrils.

Despite the fear and tension that came with exploring these catacombs, Layla was fascinated by the magnificent constructions she saw around her. She stopped to admire a laboratory where a team of cheerful men and women were busy working on smoking pots and tall shelves full of jars of chemicals. Layla watched in wonder as colorful crystals grew inside the glass chambers.

"Hey there, who are you? I haven't seen you around before," a man yelled as he climbed a very long staircase near her. He was bald and had a funny, huge red mustache. "I am Farrar's new apprentice," replied Layla with a smile.

As Layla continued on her way, a willowy woman with a leathery face and sharp bones approached her from behind. "I haven't seen you around before," the woman whispered, causing Layla to jump and step away from the heavy puffing and rotten-teeth stench that filled her nose. Layla felt the woman's narrow eyes inspecting her even after she said goodbye to the crafter. She hopped over the crates of instruments and ran toward the gates of the next tunnel section, her heart racing.

The catacombs had many corners, and Layla found it difficult to keep checking the compass constantly. But she knew it was better than getting lost in an abandoned section and dying there. As she checked the arrow, two gigantic hands suddenly pressed her body against the icy metal wall, and she heard the sinister voice of Ferron in her ear. His face was too close, and she could smell all the alcohol and cigars he had consumed.

"Why are you wandering around, missy? You melted Herranuen's heart with your cute face, but I am watching you," whispered Ferron, causing Layla to freeze with fear. His big hand grabbed a strand of her blue hair, and he sniffed it. "I like girls with blue hair. No, actually, I hate them. They all have to be..." His eyes bulged, and he showed his sharp teeth.

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