Part 34 Layla

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As more prisoners were brought into the cage, Layla scanned their faces, wondering if any of them would attack her. She tried to suppress her fear and breathe evenly, but three monstrous figures approached her, making her heart race.

"One of the men acted as if winning a Dark Arena contest was child's play," sighed one of the snake women standing to her left. Despite their menacing teeth and forked tongues, the women were beautiful, with shimmering pale skin and hypnotic eyes the color of green poison trimmed with gold. Layla couldn't help but admire their grace and femininity among the grotesque, bulky creatures.

Just then, the twin women glided closer to her, moving slowly and seductively. Everything around them seemed to freeze, their movements and impending closeness pressing down on the atmosphere and making Layla uneasy.

Did they sense she was examining them?

"Well, well, what do we have here?" inquired one of the serpent twins, twisting its tongue around one sharp canine. "Aren't you afraid of us?"

Layla blushed. Was she embarrassed?

"No, I was just admiring your beauty. I'm sorry."

This place was like something out of a fantasy. Layla felt like a character in a book she had read, a hero in an absurd story. After a long afternoon nap in the clearing, she had expected to wake up to the gentle rustling of trees and the soft sounds of the nearby stream. Instead, the touch of the cyclone ruffling trees and her hair had brought her back to reality. She had been lounging on a delicate carpet of scented herbs, listening to the stream. That was no longer the case; her reality was gone, but she had to accept it.

The other women spoke, and Layla's dreams dissolved. The murmuring and noise of the stadium washed over her once again.

"She stinks of sea and storm."

"Yes, my love, this sweet lady smells like water, like the depths of our home," replied the other woman, watching Layla.

How could they smell the ocean on her? She had barely glimpsed it a while ago when she was with Farrar, driving his motorcycle in the city. Until then, she had never been happy, holding on to his muscular body and riding with the wind. Layla had felt free and safe, at least she thought she was. When he gave her his scarf, she thought he cared about her.

But he wasn't here with her now, and she wondered what had happened to him. Images of vicious predatory monsters feasting on his flesh mingled with her worries.

"You're in here?"

The serpent woman put her hand on Layla's shoulder. Mother of God, her nails looked like torture knives. Layla caught herself staring at them, thinking about how easily they could rip into the delicate, elastic skin of her arm.

"I am Vi, and this is my sister, Boaaaa..." The snake whispered. A shiver shook Layla's torso, and she swore the forked tongue touched her ear slightly.

"We're friends...," Vi murmured languorously. Layla flinched and turned away, nodding.

"Good. It's time now."

Vi's hand pushed Layla towards the opening gates, her lips tight. Suddenly, the roar of the crowd became louder as the light blinded her. She was so insignificant in this vast space. The crowd on the tribunes was so high, and waves of roaring masses moved, creating a black ocean of heads, a bloodthirsty group of people. The enormous gong boomed, restoring the silence.

In hope, Layla looked around for a glimpse of Farrar, but unfortunately, he was nowhere to be seen, and her heart sank. The prisoners had been driven to the center of the Dark Arena, and Layla and her fellow captives huddled together, waiting for their opponents to arrive. The atmosphere was terrifying, and the tension was palpable. Everyone stared at the gates, wondering what was coming next.

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