Author's Note

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Darwin Lilley, nineteen years old, finds herself living on the streets and flirting with a meth addiction. Bad decisions? She doesn't see it that way.

Teddy Aiken, eighteen, has his safe and predictable world turned upside down when she comes into his life. When his mother, Neea, takes Darwin in to try and help her, Teddy wants nothing to do with the strange girl and takes refuge in the company of his friends. As her condition improves, however, Teddy begins to see the real Darwin.

When Neea is suddenly called away for a family emergency, Teddy and Darwin are left alone and, inevitably, they're drawn to each other... until Darwin's ex-boyfriend returns to tear them apart. Kodi has a plan for Darwin that will threaten her relationship with Teddy, and maybe even threaten her life.

Can Teddy and his friends get to her in time or will Darwin somehow find the strength to save herself?


Hi, and thanks for checking out this story. It has a little strong language, (some of it in Finnish!) as well as some mild violence, depictions of drug use, and frightening situations. Overall, nothing too severe.

The flipside of that warning is that if you're looking for more sex and violence, it isn't hard to find on Wattpad and plenty of other places! I don't have a problem with those things—they just weren't a big part of the story I wanted to tell here.

With the age of the characters, the story is an uneasy fit with "young adult" and probably not sexy enough for "new adult". I'm not too worried about classifications like that, it's just a story that I wanted to tell.

Writing fiction is a strange process. You create stories, but they're essentially dormant until someone reads them. I hope you'll read this one and breathe life into it, and if you enjoy it enough, (or hate it enough,) maybe you'll be inspired to share your thoughts with comments and votes.

Thanks so much for your time and attention. You're why we do this!

– D.B.

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