Chapter 14

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For a couple of years Neea had been planning a trip to India. It was another place she'd dreamed of travelling since she was young. The people, the food, music, dance, art—it all appealed to her, and after practicing yoga for six years, she felt more drawn to the country than ever. On the trip she would meet yoga experts, study advanced techniques and learn more about the history of yoga. Last year she'd asked Traci to join her on the trip and, even though money was probably going to be an issue for her, Traci was excited to go. They researched online, made detailed plans and maps and were getting close to settling on a date.

And now Neea would have to cancel it.

With everything that had happened over the past few days, Neea knew there was only one thing to do: take the money she'd saved for India, as well as the vacation time she'd set aside from work, and dedicate it all to helping Darwin get her life together. Neea was certain it was the right thing to do, but she was worried that Traci might be disappointed.

"Neea, you're such a goddess!" Traci had said, sounding anything but disappointed.

They were having a glass of wine at the kitchen table. Neea had waited for the right time to break the bad news, but it was sounding like she shouldn't have worried.

"I'm so inspired by your compassion for this kid!" Traci went on. "India isn't going anywhere, babe, so don't you worry about that. This is what you need to do! This girl needs your help right now, so yeah, we should totally cancel the trip. Just tell me what I can do to help, OK? I mean it."

Neea was relieved but she started to wonder if Traci might have been having doubts about the trip all along and hadn't said anything. Traci wasn't well-travelled and a trip to India would have taken her way out of her comfort zone. Perhaps she'd never really committed to the idea but was just swept along by Neea's enthusiasm. Well, whatever the reason, she seemed to have Traci's support.

Unsurprisingly, Peter wasn't so easy. When Neea told him that she needed to take a month off to help Darwin, he complained that he didn't know where certain files were, didn't know how to use the computer program that managed the invoicing, might not be able to handle incoming phone calls with all of the paperwork he had to do, and on and on. She assured him that he was up to the task, that he'd figure things out and would be able to handle it. It was only a month. She'd be back before he knew it.

"Can't it wait a few weeks? Now really isn't a great time," he asked, barely concealing his panic.

Neea knew that now was as good a time as any as far as Peter's practice was concerned. The office was slow, with Ina Loach being one of Peter's only current clients. "No, Peter," she said, "this isn't the kind of thing that can be put on hold until it's convenient for you. I'm sorry, but it can't wait."

She gave Peter a few more tips on where to find things and what needed to be done, then left the office, smiling.

It had been a challenging week with Darwin, but Traci had kept her word, coming to the house frequently, covering for Neea when she had to go out, and being there to help when Darwin's moods turned dark or aggressive.

Teddy, on the other hand, was not much help. He clearly didn't want Darwin there and he frequently went out just so he wouldn't have to be around her. Neea knew he was still young and the situation was awkward and uncomfortable for him—that was to be expected—but Neea was still a little disappointed that her son couldn't feel a bit more compassion for Darwin, especially with what had happened to Sienna. She hoped he'd eventually start to understand and maybe even sympathize with Darwin.

As Neea shopped for a few groceries, Peter called to ask where to find a certain file for the Loach trial. Then, while she was in the checkout line he called again to find out why the filing cabinet wouldn't open. The third and fourth times he called she didn't know why because she didn't answer.

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