The Mall

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A/N- Sorry for not posting sooner, my phone got taken away. Also, 1,039 words!?

-Y/N pov-

When we finally got to the mall, Nate looked a little worried. I think it's his first time at the mall.
"First time?" I ask. "Yes. What do we do here?" He asks. "As I said before, we are here to have fun and buy new clothes. Nothing can go wrong with this." I say. "Promise?" He says. "I promise."

"Do you wanna look at clothes first or eat?" "Can we eat?" He asks "Sure, follow me." We walk towards the McDonald's and get him a happy meal. "What is this?" He asks. "These are chicken nuggets," I say. "You dip them in honey mustard." I take one and have a bite. God, it's so good.

As he takes a bite, it looks like sparkles are in his eyes. I love seeing this kid happy.

"This is so much better than baked beans and uncooked potatoes!" He says. "Is that what you eat in the prison?" "Yeah, but we aren't there anymore. You don't have to think about that place once we get your family back."

He started to look...happy. He started eating his nuggets, when he was finished l, I asked him."Would you want to go shopping for new clothes or movies?" "Clothes please."

As we got there, something caught his eye. It was a red hoodie. "You like that one?" I ask him. "Yes. How much is it?" "5.00$. Not too much. Any pants you want?" "The pants I'm wearing are good." He says.

"2 hours left, wanna watch a movie?" I ask. "What is a 'movie'?" He asks. I'm honestly not surprised that he doesn't know what a movie is, lived in a God damn prison all his life. "A movie is like our life but put on a screen and with a script." "Ok?" He says. "Now which one seems more fun to watch?" I say as we look at all the posters for the new movies. "Um, that one." He points to the new puss in boots movie poster. "Oh, I  heard that it was really good."

I pay for the tickets and as we sit down with our snacks, we hear a big rumble. After only a few seconds, we hear screaming. I run to the bathroom and quickly put on my ninja outfit and blue mask.

"Come on Nate, I've gotta hide you." I look around, I see the toy store and look at the toy chest. " You are gonna hide in here until they are gone. Understand?" "Yes protecter Y/N." He replies. "Hold this." I say, giving him a stuffed lion. "I'll be right back. I promise."

Shit. The zombie ninjas are here. They were able to knock me out last time, how am I gonna defeat them now? "Where is the boy?" One of then asks. "Why should I tell you?" "That is none of your concern."

I take out my swords and strat running to them. Hopefully I can kill at least one.

As I'm kicking Thier asses, our fight is interrupted by a big robot shouting,"You!" I look where the noise came from, What came out of the Robot was what looked like a chewed up piece of gum, with face.

"You are the one that stupid turtle keeps rambling about." Is he talking about father? "What?" "You are the one that that he says will defeat me! I'm here to prove him wrong." Before I can react, he grabs me with one of his tentacles and lifts me towards him.

"You have what I need." He says. "What the hell are you talking about?" I say.

-Nates pov-

I can't help but look to see if Protector Y/N was ok. I see her being lifted up by the Kraang, he's gonna kill them! They told me to stay here, and I would never go against thier wishes. But if they're in danger, I have to find a weapon.

"What are you talking about?" I hear them say. "Don't you realize that my minions are the people that murdered your mother?"

Their mom was murdered? They were stuck in silence. "I've been watching you since I found out that the blue one had a child. Your mother was a strong girl, too strong for this world, actually. And the blood in your fathers body made him 10x stronger than normal people. Your mother and father combined, created you! An amazing being with the strength I could use to power myself and take over this world!" Protector Y/N was stuck in silence.

They take their swords out and slice his tentacles off. He screams in pain and while they continue to fight, Kraang uses his not chopped tentacle to slam them into a wall, making them bleed from the back of their head.

They start to run towards me. And when they get to my hiding spot, they pick me up and tell me to cover my eyes and hold on. I do as they say but can't help but feel scared at the fact Kraang is getting closer.

-Y/N pov-

"We're ok. You can open your eyes now." I say once we enter an ally way. "Are you ok Protector Y/n?" Nate asks. "I'm good." I reply. I hear police sirens, finally. Once almost all of them enter the building, I hear someone walking towards the ally way we're in. It was the chief.

"Y/N? Where's your father?" She says. "Um, Kraang took him." When she's about to respond April, Casey, and Vern walk towards us. "Nate you already know the other guys, and other guys, this is Nate." I say. I feel myself starting to pass out due to blood loss.

"I think Protector Y/N needs medical help." Nate says. "I'm fine" I lied. "Here, let me carry you Y/N." Casey says. He picks me up and I fall asleep in his arms.

-Nates pov-

"Who are you?" The police chief asks me. "I'm Nate, my mommy and siblings were taken by the Kraang. Protector Y/N fought them but they got that turtle guy."

-End of chapter-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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