Change of heart

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As expected, Jungkook couldnt't sleep all night.
(that is, after half waking Nisha up and  practically walking to her bed ).
Then he went to his room and just lied on his bed, the weight of the realization dawning on him.
oh god what have I done.
He simply feels a lot.
Every confusion is cleared, every spark of jealousy is explained, all the protectiveness he's had for her suddenly makes complete sense.
oh god


"I want to punch you right now but also like hug u out of happiness??" Jimin is surprised at  Jungkook's confession early in the morning.
"UGH is the only thing Jungkook says over the phone,what he means is help me Jimin , what do I do?
"UGH indeed ! I cannot believe you!"  Jimin's sweet morning (after kissing   Riya no scratch that, full on making out with her last evening) was disrupted if not ruined by Jungkook's announcement.
"OKAY okay , let me think ...okay so first of all DO NOT tell her directly. .make it gradual u hear me?"
"really? aren't u the the one who tells me to be more direct and--"
"yes  I do but not this time,, just show her how u feel u know? instead of telling her directly?"
"am I supposed to know how  to do that?? am I missing something?" Jungkook is genuinely curious at this point.
"you're. . .useless. . .just be nicer. .charming maybe? u know how to do that???idk sing or something? just,, she'll be a lil hurt ya know? if you're direct . . .coz.." Jimin didn't complete the sentence but Jungkook understood.
"and no, you're not a bad person for realizing it laer, it happens, one can't force emotions. ." Jimin adds when Jungkook doesn't speak for a while.

"how did you--?"
" I am the resident therapist here so" Jimin laughed.
"thanks mannn . ."
"okay thats enough,,let me sleep nowit's like 8 in the morning??"


OKAY , Iwasn't going to say it but, ,maybe it's coz I m talking to him after soo long, he seems nicer than usual ??" Nisha tells Riya as they sit together in the canteen (2 days after Nisha's movie night with JK).
"oooooh maybe he's had a change of heart,mysterious brooding male falls for---" Riya does the drama but Nisha only gives her a look.
"U really think this is a movie Ri?"
"idk ? could be a fanfiction?"
"okay Riya enough of reading Jhope imagines Iswear it's blurring the lines. . "
"ughhh so what? maybe ur guy did have a change of heart ? for real??"
Nisha sighs, unwilling to nurture hope.
"hey Nish..look.. I don't know how else to say this but, ,,it is not impossible right?  2 people can realize they like each other at different times can't they?"
Riya says seriously, thinking back to her own self.

Nisha ponders on it for a bit
She's not wrong
Before she can say anything, there's an interruption.
"hello laid ease. ." It's Jimin.
Riya visibly stiffens and only mutters a "h-hi"
"hey jimin"
to Nisha's confusion he doen't tease or poke Riya, she suspects something.
"umm..did something happen between u two?" Nisha 's smile is not yet wide.
"what?" "What?"
"no!" "no!"
they say together abd it confirms that something did happen.
"ahh young love. . ." Nisha is smiling big now,teasing.
"stop it nish ,nothing like that ..tell him you!" Riya yells at Jimin.

"y-yeah ,nothing of that sorts"it makes Nisha laugh even harder, seeing the ever confident and smooth Jimin stutter and get embarrassed.

"wow you're so evil no wonder Jungkook likes you--" Jimin blurts out and all of a sudden the table goes silent.


It's an understatement to say that the girls are shocked.
Nisha can't comprehend and asks Jimin to repeat, which he does, a little guilty
oh god what have I done?

Riya is holding Nisha's hand in both her hands and is both sad and also a bit thrilled at the same time.
there is silence for a few more minutes.
"Nish Im so sorry ,god, idk how it slipped, I didn't mean to I swear I--"
". . .Didi he say it?. . .did he actually say those words?. . him liking me ??" " Nisha interrupts, voice eerily calm, anticipation building.
"he did. . thos exact words" Jimin says, feeling bad, it wasn't his secret to tell.
"oh" Nisha says and she lets herself feel happy  first, ignoring the lttle hurt, but damn she is so happy, she breaks into a smile and looks at Riya.
Riya's eyes light up and they squeal in high pitch, nearly deafening Jimin.
"Nish you're not mad at me right?"Jimin asks, though a bit relieved now.
"No . . in fact Im happy it came out like that, I'd have been mad if u had  not told me. ."Nisha assures Jimi.
Jimin is fairly relieved so he tells her more.
"you know he seemed genuine and so happy..he wanted to tell u asap but I asked him to show you..ya know be romantic and stuff"
that made the girls laugh.
"that's honestly so nice of you.." Nisha smiles.

"thats even better!! Nish you pretend like you don't know anything when he makes his moves! it'll be fun. . .not for long though,,just a while" Riya suggest and an evil smile is played on her lips.

"come on Riya, not everyone likes to torture their to be boyfriends like you do"Jimin teases and sits beside Nisha.
Riya only pouts and looks away , taking care it escapes Nisha's eyes.
but it doesn't.
"Riya ohmygod? I totally saw that!! what IS going on you 2?"
Nisha laughs. she is full of happiness, up to the brim.
So frickin happy.

Thank you so much for reading, Please drop a vote if you liked it ❤
I am really grateful for your patience ,I already have all the chapters written out and just not getting the time to type them ,but i 'll post it soon ,till then Happy reading ❤

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