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" Somebody's looking happy," Riya said as soon as she arrived.

Nisha took a deep breath." sit down first Ri"

" oh my God????what-what is it you are killing me!!!!????" Riya could not control her curiosity. "okayyyy" Nisha breathed out again.

" Jungkook called and said sorry and we made up and we are good now!!!!" she said in a single breath.

" oh my god are you fucking serious?!" Riya stood up and took her glasses off.

"I am!!!" Nisha almost yelled in high pitch, taking the other girl's hand.

"OMYGODD I AM SOOO FRICKIN HAPPY FOR YOU NISH!!" Riya jumped around and soon both of them did a little jumping around, squealing.And people on the campus looked at them weird.

"Nishaaaaaaaa omygod this is such good news! I NEED a treat"

"EAT all you want ! i'm just literally so happy " Nisha linked arms with Riya and they hopped towards the canteen.

"Wait a minute, why didn't you call me?? When did it happen?" Riya asked as they got seated.

"Just today morning and I thought I'd tell you face to face".

"Ohh" Riya thought about her conversation with Jimin the day before and smiled a little.

" Soooo,What did you guys talk about, did he say anything else ?" Riya asked with a lot of interest.

" right, there is something, I don't know if it's because I like him or what but. . "

" Tell me at least!!"

" ok so I told him about my favorite snacks- so that he brings them, we have a movie night today, right so I'm talking about ice cream, my favorite chocolate and he says..,," Nisha moved a bit closer to Riya.

" anything for you princess"

"OH MY G-- such a tease I am telling you !!!" Riya was jumping.

" He even said he never rejected me?? Can you believe I was so confused??" Nisha laughed.

Riya went quiet for a few seconds then a smile slowly spread on her lips.

" you know what that means right??" Riya said and Nisha smiled too.

"arghhhh I knowwwww, but I don't want to give myself false hope you know?? I love this too but if I keep assuming and he actually gets later, it will hurt so bad." Nisha' s smile was sad and Riya put her hand on Nisha's.

"Nish he is not the only guy you know, maybe you will fall for someone again and be happier or maybe he falls for you, anything can happen , there is hope" Riya's words comforted her a lot.

"Also I can't believe that shorty actually talked to Jungkook??" Riya laughed and popped a piece of samosa in her mouth. "tchhh, . . .someone who is 5'2 is calling me, a 5'5 shorty??" Jimin arrived and put his elbow on Riya's shoulder.

Nisha laughed and Riya rolled her eyes.

"Hii Nisha and you're welcome miss R." He sat next to Riya and grabbed the second samosa in her plate.

"And fyi I had already given him the pep talk earlier, and the day you asked me, I talked to him again" he spoke to Riya and Riya only stared at how passionately he took all the chutney.

" wait a minute?..... You guys i didn't even know???? Thank you so much!! Like seriously" Nisha was grateful , so so much.

"heyy. .it's nothing okay? I couldn't see you sad anymore plus now that you guys are okay it was all worth it" Riya touched her hand assuringly.

 "oh? y'all are good ?? THAANK GODDD,.,., I was so done with his devdas phase tbh" Jimin said to liighten up the mood and the girls smiled.

"soooooooo. . Are you guys together??" Nisha, asked , a little mischief in her eyes. 

Before Jimin could respond, Riya jumped in to answer. 

" no we're not!"

 " but i've been trying for so long she just doesn't say yes" he feigned sadness broke out laughing again.

"Whatever" Riya folded her hands across her chest.

"btw didn't you promise to kiss me if I talked to Jungkook?" Jimin said non-chalantly & Nisha could not control her laughter.
He was an expert at annoying Riya.

"My place 5pm" he winked & Riya shook her head
"See this is exactly why I'm not going out with him, he never takes anything seriously!"

"Haayee kitni cute lagti hai gusse me!" Jimin yelled as he left, earning another roll eye from Riya.

"Yaaar  you two are just CUTE" Nisha said & Riya was smiling now.

"Ohkay now I gotta leave, classes starting soon" Riya hugged Nisha & hurried to her department.

Nisha sat alone in the canteen for sometime and then went to the place she'd definitely find Jungkook.

She stopped when she spotted him on the court.

She stood at a distance and soaked in the morning's sunlight.

Then she noticed he was looking at her too, standing still with a smile, his sweaty face glistening.

She ran up to him & hugged him with full force, her chin on his shoulder & she realized Jungkook had lifted her up coz she couldn't feel anything under her feet.

Jungkook always gave big, warm hugs, but this was so different,l ike he himself was starved. It was an unreasonably hot interaction but she forced her mind not to think about it. It was a dangerous territory to tread in.

Nisha blamed it on the sun.

Jungkook put her down slowly.

"If yall's PDA is over, kindly move, some of us come to play here ,ya know" A voice interrupted and Nisha could see a dude over Jungkook's shoulder.

Someone new.

But one thing was certain that he was fucking beautiful, almost model like.

The guy winked when her eyes met his and she was tongue tied

Jungkook turned around, perhaps a bit (very) annoyed and Nisha's view was blocked.

"And you are?" he asked the new guy and the tone was not friendly.

"Kim Taehyung"

To be continued. . . 

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