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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story will be Slash.


The following morning Harry woke up earlier than usual. He hadn't forgotten the events from the previous night. He cursed softly. He may not have shown it but he was angry. Not so much at the situation itself, because at the very least the tournament would be interesting and a good way to test his skills, but because someone had dared to make him compete against his will. When he found the person, or people, responsible for it, and he would find them, he would curse them to hell and back.

Still, there was no need to worry about it at the moment. He had more important things to do. And one of them was stopping his court from going on a rampage till they found the one responsible.

It didn't really surprise him to see all of his court in the common room when he entered. He doubted that most of them had even slept more than a few hours.

"Good morning." he greeted them, taking his usual seat.

"Ouroboros?" Cedric was the first to ask, a slight smile pulling at his lips.

Harry laughed. He hadn't explained the name to anyone the previous night. Hell he had only thought about it the minute they were arguing about Hogwarts having two champions. But the name had just appeared in his head and it felt right. Even his magic agreed. He could feel it under his skin, it seemed almost joyful when he even thought about the name.

"It's what we are." he told them, not bothering to hide the passion in his voice. He captured all of their attention. Their eyes intent on him. He let his magic flow, let them feel his joy at having that name, the rightness of it. "Ouroboros often symbolize something constantly re-creating itself, the eternal return, cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. It can also represent the idea of primordial unity related to something existing or persisting from the beginning with such force or qualities it cannot be extinguished, cannot be killed." he explained to them, "We are Ouroboros! No matter what they do, no matter how hard they try we will never be extinguished! Our ideas, our hopes and dreams will live on long after we are dead. We are eternal, we will always come back, stronger, better than we were before. We are Ouroboros!"

The fire in their eyes made him laugh, his magic dancing around him. He jumped to his feet and stood tall and proud in front of them. His eyes shinning with magic, a joyous smile on his lips.

"Ouroboros!" he exclaimed.

As one the court members knelt in front of him, their heads bowed. It was an almost involuntary reaction. Their own magics practically compelling them. They were taken with Harry's magic, with his passion, his vision that they could only see glimpses of but knew was something breathtaking. They wanted it, their magics wanted it, so without a second thought to the consequences, to what it meant, they knelt.

"Ouroboros!" they chanted in unison, driven by magics far out of their control. Their magic surged around them, for a moment it was visible to everyone. Every color that they could possibly imagine danced around them. It interwove around each of them, for a moment they didn't know who's magic was who's. It made them feel connected in ways they hadn't thought possible, binding them in ways that were unbreakable. Then Harry laughed and his magic joined theirs. So much stronger than theirs and they all felt their own magic willingly submit. Then it settled and they looked up.

Harry was still standing there, his magic still dancing and flowing freely around him. He smiled at them, a proud look in his eyes and they smiled back. Not really understanding what had happened but knowing, the way only Luna usually did, that it was something important, meaningful, and that it was only the beginning.

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