The Lion and the little Raven

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Harry woke up rather suddenly, and it took him several seconds to realize what had woken him up. When he heard the noise again, he was slightly more awake and he was able to identify it as several owls hooting outside his window, he could hear quite a few knocks as well. The fact that it was more than one owl surprised him a bit; he received letters from his friends, but they usually arrived at different times, so he normally only had one owl coming and going from his room.

When he heard the noise that the owls were making increase, he sighed and got out of bed. Though it was really useful to hear what was going on outside of his trunk, in certain circumstances he would prefer it wasn't possible.

As soon as he left his trunk and looked at the window, he saw seven owls sitting on the window-still. He recognized them immediately; they belonged to the members of his Court. However, knowing to whom they belonged didn't help him in knowing why they were there, he had sent a letter to Marcus the previous day and it usually took him a day or two to answer. For all of the owls to be there, something must have happened.

Opening the letter that was closest, he became even more confused. It was from his Demons and said;


Please be careful. Never go anywhere without your wand and don't go anywhere alone.

We will see you soon.

Fred and George'

Not even taking into account that it was a very short letter, it wasn't written in their usual style. Besides, why were they so worried about his safety?

Putting the twins' letter aside, he picked up the next one.


Don't make any hasty decisions.

Don't go out at night.

And please be careful.



I've spoken to my mother, we will go back to England as soon as possible.

Don't go anywhere alone.



Be careful.

No matter what, stay at the orphanage, don't go wandering around.

Keep your wand with you.



We're coming back to England.


Harry was officially confused, what the hell was going on with his Court? It was obvious that they were all worried about him but he had no idea why, his summer vacation had been extremely boring. The most exciting thing that had happened was when he had set his couch on fire when he was trying a spell in his trunk. Even though he couldn't use his wand, he had accidentally done a wandless spell. A true wandless spell, not the wandless magic he usually did that consisted mostly on his will and not real spells. Naturally he had tried to repeat the feat. It was difficult, and he was exhausted by the end of it, but he had done it again. Aside from that, everything had been rather quiet.


As far as I know you don't get the Daily Prophet, so I don't know if you know. There's been a breakout from Azkaban.

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