The Triwizard Tournament

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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story will be Slash.


"Where were you?" Cedric asked as soon as he sat down at the Hufflepuff table.

"On the train." he replied, discretely looking at the Slytherin table. He didn't know how he hadn't noticed it before, however now it was impossible to miss the looks the other Slytherins had when they looked at the group that was sitting in the center of the table, slightly separated from the rest.

"I searched the whole train and couldn't find you."

"Apparently you didn't, since I was on the train and you didn't find me." Wayne replied, finally taking his eyes of the Slytherin table and looking at him. Cedric was one of the few friends he had. An older brother that always did his best to protect him. The only reason why Smith even tried anything on the train was because Cedric had been busy with his duties as prefect. He had been the one who helped him when he realized he was gay, he had told him how the wizarding world viewed same sex couples and he had been the one who made sure he knew that he wasn't a freak. For a while he had thought that he had been confused, he had been only thirteen, he had just had his very first wet dream, he had freaked out when that wet dream had another boy as the star in it. Cedric had found him in a corner of their common room almost having a panic attack. He had never seen the older boy so flustered, thinking back it was rather amusing. Still at the time he had been sure that there must have been something wrong with him. He was incredible grateful for what Cedric had done.

"The only place I didn't search was the Sly-... You were in a Slytherin compartment?" Cedric asked, keeping his voice low so that no one else heard, "What were you doing there? They didn't hurt you did they?"

"They didn't do anything. They helped me with Smith." with Smith and much more. He could hardly believe how much his life changed in a matter of hours. The court had bettered his life without even trying to. He didn't think he would ever be able to repay them, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't try.

And Harry! It was no wonder that the others respected him so much. He knew, just as everyone else knew, that Harry was a prodigy. However knowing and seeing were two completely different things.

"The Slytherins helped you?" Cedric asked incredulously and Wayne sighed.

"Not all Slytherins are bad Cedric. I've been here for four years and they never did anything. I've been having more trouble from my own house than from Slytherin. Don't you think you are being a little unfair and prejudiced?" he couldn't help but defend the court. Most of the members were Slytherins and they hadn't even remarked upon the fact that he was muggle-born. He didn't know the dynamic of the group but it was obvious that Harry was the leader and he was a half-blood.

"You're right. They haven't done anything these last few years." Cedric agreed, "Since Potter formed that little group and started sitting in that place. The Slytherins have been behaving." Wayne looked at him surprised and Cedric shook his head, "I'm not stupid. I may not be a Slytherin but I can see when someone is making a stand. I don't know how but it is obvious that he controls the Slytherins. I would just like to know why."

"What do you mean?"

"Potter is establishing his base. People only do that when they intend to do something. His friends, they are all amongst the best of their years and I've seen the way they look at Potter. They practically worship him and I doubt that it's because he is the Boy-Who-Lived."

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