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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story will be Slash. There will be torture, though not much gore.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes)


Sirius could hardly believe it, he was a free man. All because of Harry. Not that he thought that Harry didn't have any ulterior motives, because after spending so many months with the boy, he didn't think that Harry ever did anything without ulterior motives. But it was still thanks to Harry that he was a free man and he was, if nothing else, extremely grateful. Still he couldn't help but let his thoughts wander to his godson.

Harry, his Harry, was so different from what he'd expected. His name may be Potter, but he had so much of the Blacks in him that he could pass as his son. Not that James didn't have several characteristics of the Blacks, with Dorea being his mother it was only natural. However, Charlus' characteristics were much more pronounced. He wasn't only talking about how they looked either.

Harry was the kind of boy that Walburga, his mother, would have liked to have as an heir. Harry was the kind of boy that his mother wished he had been.

At first, he hadn't known how to react to that. Harry was everything he never wanted to be. Yes, he knew that Harry would be any parent's pride and joy, being as intelligent and charismatic as he was, but underneath all of that he was so overwhelmingly Dark.

Occasionally, he behaved like any other teenager and Sirius knew that Harry wasn't acting those times, since he only did it when he was with his trusted circle of friends. Most of the time though, Harry showed a side of himself that left Sirius speechless, he was cruel, sadistic, merciless, conniving, intelligent, powerful; the perfect Dark pureblood heir. He knew that most Dark purebloods would have given anything to have an heir like Harry, his mother certainly would have, she would've been all too eager to be rid of him and have Harry as an heir to the Black name. Well it was kind of ironic that her desire to have the perfect pureblood heir ended up being fulfilled, Harry was the Black heir, after all. Containing a laugh, Sirius went back to his original thoughts. No matter how Harry acted, the reason Sirius was sure that Harry was so overwhelmingly Dark was his magic.

That day that Snape had confronted Harry, Sirius hadn't been able to do anything. He had been frozen in place. He knew how Dark magic felt. Neither James, nor Remus, not even Lily had been completely Light. James, because the Potters had always been as much Light as Dark, and usually were always in the shades of Gray. Though the general population always saw them as everything a Light wizard should be. Then when you added the Black blood from Dorea, who had always been Dark, it was no wonder that James was a darker shade of Gray. Remus, as a werewolf, was naturally inclined to the Dark. Lily was fascinated with Magic, all Magic. She didn't care if it was Light, Dark, or Gray; all that mattered to her was that it was Magic. And he, he was a Black, it didn't matter in what House he was sorted, it didn't change his nature, it didn't change the fact that he was a Black.

He couldn't believe how he hadn't seen it when he was younger. They had been so blind. They had done everything they could to be the perfect little Light wizards and witch. They had done everything to prove they were Light.

James worshiped his father, his biggest wish was to be just like him. And Charlus had been a Light wizard through and through, though he hadn't been as prejudiced against the Dark as Light wizards tend to be. So James had done everything he could to make his father proud, to be a good little Light wizard just like him.

Remus wanted to forget the fact that he was a werewolf, wanted to be associated with werewolves as little as possible. What better way to do that, than to be a Light wizard? What better way to prove that he wasn't a mindless monster, than to be completely dedicated to the Light.

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