Chapter 15

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Kurt sets the phone back on the in the cradle. He sniffled as he ran a hand through his hair.

He went to the dining table, picking up his food. He wasn't hungry anymore. He tossed the plate in the sink. Not even bothered to clean it.

Walking into the living room. Dave paused the movie that was playing. His brown eyes staring at the bright red headed male.

"I'm okay." Kurt mumbled as he went over to the couch. But eventually broke down into tears in a matter of seconds.

"Oh honey.." Dave mumbled as he pulled Kurt close to him. Rubbing his back to help comfort the saddened frontman.

Krist spoke up. "you did the right thing, Kurt. We are so proud of you." He says.

Kurt lifted his head, looking at the bassist. "Proud of me..?" He asks. His voice crackly.

Dave guided Kurt's head to lay on his chest. His hand petting Kurt's bright red hair.

"Yes, so very proud of you." Dave mumbled. Leaning his head down and kissing Kurt's forehead.

Krist smiled at the two. "Kurt, I know that's hard to do. In fact very hard. And extremely overwhelming, but you did it! All by yourself." He comforted.

Kurt nodded his head. Silently crying as he hides his face into Dave's chest. "Uh-huh..all by myself." He muttered.

Dave kissed Kurt's head. "So proud of you.. let's call it a night, okay? Today wasn't the best for you. Tomorrow will be much, much better." He comforted.

"I'll sleep on the couch, here." Krist informed the two. Dave picked up Kurt and got off the couch.

"Fine with me." Dave replied. Holding the frontman in his arms. Kurt lifted his head.

He pecked Dave's cheek. Whispering, "Thank you, so much.." The drummer felt his face warm up.

"It's not a problem." Dave replied.

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