Relentless Darkness

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tw: (( sexual assault scene, nothing too graphic ))

I couldn't sleep. Not with everything that's nagging me in my head about what Anakin had gotten himself into. I can't tell anyone either. I'm just trying to figure a way out of this.

I'm not going to let Anakin sacrifice himself for me. That's not how this is going to go. I know that's exactly what he's going to do, because when it comes to me, he's selfless. He'll let himself get beaten and bruised and ultimately killed before anyone even lays a finger on me.

I leaned against the stone wall of the balcony and watched the sky and the speeders racing by. The night life of Coruscant is beautiful. Life goes on as if nothing is and ever was wrong. It's peaceful.

I sighed heavily. I don't know what to do about any of this. I closed my eyes and softly whispered a prayer. I need this to work out. I can't let him sacrifice himself for me. And if he did... I can't promise my life will be safe.

If not from the Dark Side, then by my own hand.

A sudden and intensely sharp pain struck my neck. My eyes shot open in shock and I grabbed at whatever had hurt so bad. Not only did I find a rather hefty dart, but my hand was soaked in blood the second I pulled said dart out of my skin.

Whatever was in that dart had injected itself into one of the biggest and most important veins in my body. And I felt it's effects right away. I felt dizzy and gripped the stone railing with my bloody hand while the other rubbed my head.

My eyes fluttered closed and I fell back. Hard. Completely unconscious.

-- 3rd person --


Anakin had woken up shortly after Ellie was kidnapped. He felt a shift in the Force and it woke him up. No doubt, it woke Obi-Wan as well. Who was on his way to Anakin and Ellie's room.

Anakin scanned the apartment-like room and found no sign of his beloved girlfriend.

Until he saw the balcony. And the pool of blood on the stone. As well as the bloody handprint on the railing. He placed his hand onto the mark and solidified his worries. It's Ellie's size. She was taken.

"Anakin? What's happened?!" Obi-Wan saw the blood on the balcony. Anakin turned around slowly, pure rage in his face. His hand stained with blood.

"Someone's getting killed. Tonight. And it won't be Ellie."

"Anakin, put your emotions aside. Explain."

"She was kidnapped!! And hurt!!" Anakin yelled, his head clouded with nothing but rage. He shoved past Obi-Wan and began dressing in his Jedi robes. He armed himself with his lightsaber and a comlink and headed for the door.

"Anakin, wait! We should go together!"

"I'm leaving now!" Anakin growled, he sneered at the floor as he continued forward down the hallway. "Gather the Council. And every battalion we have. Arm the fleets. This is war."

"You can't make that announcement!"

"I don't have to. They just did."

Anakin picked up his pace and started running towards his fighter. He put his hood up and climbed into the ship, powered it on, and sped off.

He knew exactly who had taken her and where.

The dark Sith planet of Morde.

When Valance was killed, it wasn't the end of the young Sith.

Anakin knew that.

Planet Morde has been undercover in disguise as a moon that had been destroyed by the Dark Side and their forces so they could form their own planet.

The technology they have on that planet has the power to clone those who've died or been killed. And he knew that Darth Valance was behind this.

Darth Valance version two. Who is bound to have much more power than the first version.

Before he knew it, a red detailed fighter ship flew up next to him. Anakin spotted Obi-Wan in the cockpit of the ship next to him. He picked up his comlink and spoke into it.

"There's an entire fleet behind us. I think you're forgetting that you don't do anything alone."

Anakin appreciated the light humor in his tone, but he was just too overwhelmed with stress and anxiety about getting to Ellie on time.

-- Ellie's Perspective --

I woke up from unconsciousness strapped to a metal table. My wrists and ankles were tied down and when I managed to open my eyes, I registered a rather sinister looking droid standing in the back corner of the dark room I was in.

It had deep red glowing eyes but the rest of it was black.

I swallowed thickly. "H-hello?"

The droid seemed to activate at the sound of my voice. But it didn't make a sound. It slowly made its way towards me and stopped just before the table.

It placed its metallic hand on my thigh, which made me whimper. My blood raced in my veins and adrenaline surged through my entire body.

No. It couldn't be... trying to... how- I don't understand...

The metallic hand started slowly sliding up my thigh while the opposite hand wrapped around my throat. Tightly. And made my voice and breathing hoarse.

I wanted to scream. And yell. And cry. And do anything I could to get out of this situation. But every time I opened my mouth to use it, the droid shoved my lower jaw back up and prevented me from speaking.

A low, raspy voice chuckled through the darkness. A chill raced down my spine when I recognized it.

But- he was killed? I don't understand how that's... possible? Where am I? What's going on?

"Does any of this feel familiar? Keep going," The voice instructed the droid. I squeezed my legs shut as much as I could, but it ended in a hard smack across my face.

I felt my cheek sting and a light trickle of something along my skin.

"Look at her. Look at how pathetic. She wants this, I know she does."

I whimpered and shook my head as the droid's metal hand ripped through my pants.

Just like he did...

"Worthless little pig. You don't deserve this. Which is why I'm going to use you, my buddies are going to use you, and we'll leave you for dead in this alley."

I felt cold metal fingers against the sensitive, scarred skin of my inner thighs. I coughed out a sob and tried to push my legs together again.

My shirt was ripped open from the front and the droid's other hand aggressively dug into my bra with harsh tugs.

The droid's hands began assaulting me. I was re-living my worst nightmare. I couldn't help the screams. I'm being traumatized all over again.

I heard another sinister laugh from the dark part of the room. A pair of yellow eyes reflected in the dim light in the room.


It's... Anakin...?

"What a pathetic girl," Anakin snarled. "I can't watch. That man was right. You're disgusting."

"Please!!!" I screamed, especially when the... new Anakin stood next to the metal table I was strapped down to. "Leave me alone!!!"

"Oh, but we've just started!" Anakin removed his hood and grinned. He waved his hand over the droid and motioned for it to stop touching me.

I was grateful for the loss of intrusion, but then the table lowered just enough for the new Anakin to climb on top of me.

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