Tensions Rise

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"Good morning, sleepyhead," I smiled at Anakin when he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I'm awake before you today? That's odd."

"You're... up and ready already," Anakin snickered. "I guess that means you're feeling better?"

"Mostly," I nodded. "Ready to do some Force training. That is, if you're up for it."

"Training?" He eyed me. "Ellie, you're supposed to rest. It's only been one day. Not even one day."

"Force training doesn't require much physical training. You're just... teaching me really cool mind tricks and teaching me how to be sensitive to the Force."

"Well..." Anakin sighed. "Okay. yeah. We'll go to the gardens where it's quiet. That way we could get some sun too."

"Okay!" I smiled, but it faded a little when he pulled the blanket off of himself and revealed his torso full of bruises. "You feeling okay today?"

"Yes, the bruises don't hurt," He told me, then saw the concern in my eyes and took my hand. "Ellie, I'm okay. I promise. Are you sure you're okay? Should we get you some medication before we start training?"

"I feel fine, Ani, truly. The meds the droids gave me are still working. It's only been a handful of hours, remember?"

"Okay. we'll get meds after then. I'm taking care of you and forcing you to let me take care of you. We still have to be careful, Ellie."

"You sound kinda cranky today."

He sighed and nodded a little. "Yes. I feel cranky. About a lot of things. I'm hoping to get centered when we train so I can get my thoughts together."

We headed down to the gardens together and he helped me sit on the grass. He sat across from me. I copied him.

"Okay. So. Close your eyes," He told me. I closed my eyes, but then blushed and opened them again. "What's wrong?"

"It's hard to close my eyes when I can feel you watching me."

"Okay. I'll close my eyes too. We'll do it together. I need to get centered anyway," He closed his eyes, so we did it together.

Then he started speaking in a softer voice.

"Take a deep breath. Focus on the energy inside of you. Feel the link between you and the ground. The grass.  Everything surrounding you," He sighed slowly and deeply. "The presence of the building. Of me. Anything you can feel."

I felt a soft tingle run through me and I suddenly became very aware of everything surrounding me. I was so focused on my inner energy that I hadn't had time to focus on the energy around me.

An overwhelming sense of peace washed over me and I let out a deep breath. I felt very sensitive to Anakin's emotions and feelings all of the sudden. I could feel his anger. But I realized what was behind it.

It's fear. Self doubt. Feeling like he isn't good enough.

I felt a disruption in his peace. His eyes opened when mine did.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You... were in my head. Already."

"Is that... not something I should be able to do yet?"

"Not really," Anakin smirked. "But you can. Already. And it's... beyond my understanding."

I blushed.

"Ani... Obi-Wan said something about... me having been born with a sensitivity to the Force. It... has me doubting where I'm really from."

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