Grow Some Balls

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"So, you tell her yet?" Geoff asked as they played Call of Duty. Duncan huffed. This was Geoff's favorite topic and frankly it got on his last nerve.

"No Geoff, I haven't. And I don't plan on it either." He said exasperated.

"Why not? Then we can go on double dates." Geoff urges.

Duncan face-palms. This was not the first time they had been over this, nor would it be the last. Geoff had the crazy idea that him and Courtney were madly in love. Which was true for him at least.

He thought once Duncan admitted his feelings, Courtney would run into his arms and they could become a couple with him and Bridgette. But Courtney didn't like him, they were just best friends.

And even if they did become a couple, they would never be like Geoff and Bridgette. No way in hell would Duncan turn that mushy.

"Like I said Geoff. Courtney doesn't like me like that. Telling her how I feel will just make things super awkward and then she'll never talk to me again." That was probably a bit of an overstatement but he would still suffer complete humiliation.

"Whatever you say man. I'm just saying, it couldn't hurt. How do you know that she just doesn't feel the same way about you?" He had never thought about that. It was a long shot, but it was something that gave him a small glimmer of hope. Maybe Courtney was suffering from the same thing; thinking that Duncan didn't like her so she never said anything.

"Geoff. You may be smarter than I thought."
"I can't believe I was so stupid!" Courtney said as she cried into the pillow. She had just caught Alejandro cheating on her with her 'friend' Heather. She had proceeded to throw a brick at her car and punch Heather in the eye, but it still didn't make her feel any better. She still felt used; realizing now she was only a pawn to him, a sex toy. He had sweet talked her and she let him. Believed every word. And now she was paying the price.

Good thing she had her best friend Duncan to make her feel better.

"Court. I know you don't want to her this, but I told you so." Duncan says softly, watching as her mascara stained tears fall on his pillow case.

Courtney looked up at him. "Yea. You're not helping." She said as she wiped the tears off, sitting up. "No. You're right. I was a fool. I let him play me."

Duncan hugged her shoulders. "Yea. But fuck him. Because you are gonna find someone who will treat you better." Someone like me.

Courtney smiled at him through her tears, laying her head down against his muscular arm. "You're the such a good friend." She whispered.

He shouldn't ask this. This isn't the right time. But he had to know. Me was his only opening. "Could we ever be more than friends?" He whispers.

Courtney abruptly moves and portrays a look of shock. Maybe horror. All Duncan knows is that this isn't a good sign. He should've kept it to himself. Now he feels like he's gonna be sick........

And his heart breaks even more, as he watches her run out the room, flinching as he hears the front door slam.

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