22: Erilyn

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*** This chapter contains sexual themes that may not be suitable for sensitive readers. Reader discretion is advised. 

I awoke to the feeling of fingers grazing the skin on my back, a body beside me warm and sturdy. I looked up and found Dimitri's face, looking down at me with a soft smile. "Good morning Princess," he whispered as he kissed the top of my head. It took me a few seconds to gather myself, and I felt my face heat up with the reminder of what we had done the night before. "Oh no, don't go getting shy on me." He joked as he guided my face lightly so I was forced to come eye to eye with him. 

"I'm not used to this." I stated quietly, having a hard time to maintain eye contact with him. He chuckled and pulled me tighter into him and I took a deep breath in, trying to acclimate myself to his touch and the feeling of his body. He for one, definitely had more muscle than I realized. For being out of the military service for as long as he had, he was still as solid as a boulder, his arms and torso so incredibly toned you would have thought he was a sculpture. I ran my hands along his chest, examining each scar that my fingertips encountered. There were quite a few, and I was surprised with how deep some of the original wounds seemed to have been. "Are all of these really from our wars?" 

"Most of them yes. A few were accidents during training my first few years as a young boy, but many came from battle. Do they bother you?" I shook my head and looked up at him as he studied my reaction. 

"I love you. And this is a part of you. It's just a part that's new to me." He smiled at my statement, and brought his face down to mine, kissing me deeply. I enjoyed his lips on mine, and was eager when he parted our lips so his tongue could meet mine. He made a guttural moan and moved so that he was on top of me, his hands finding my own and raising our arms so they were over my head. I had never been one to enjoy being in any form of a compromising position, but here with Dimitri it just felt right and I felt safe. 

"Say that again," he requested as he pulled away and looked into my eyes intensely. I smiled up at him and pursed my lips, refusing his request. 

"I already said it once and you heard me, why should I say it again?" Dimitri smiled wickedly, an expression I wasn't familiar with. But Gods was it sexy. 

"If you don't say it Erilyn, I will make you say it." He shifted, taking both of my hands into one of his, pinning them down tighter as he freed his right. I looked at him hard, daring him. 

"And how do you intend to do that?" I asked, trying to be harsh and move my arms. With his strength however, my half-hearted attempts were futile. 

"Oh I'll make you, I can promise you that." He started kissing me again as he slid his free hand down my body, teasing my breasts before he moved further down to where my heat was waiting for him. I gasped into his kiss as his fingers made their way into my wetness, slowly toying with me in ways I didn't know were possible. I moaned with each motion he made, rocking my hips into his hand. He had me completely in his control, and my body gave him every response he was looking for. I was so close to climax when he stopped, pulling his face back from me. "Now tell me Erilyn. Say it again and maybe I'll let you have your release." 

"I love you." I whispered, begging him to finish. My body was so hot, and all I wanted was for him to make love to me again. "I want you." He chuckled softly and spread my legs a little wider with his hips, teasing me with the head of his arousal. 

"Your wish is my command Princess." And with that he pushed slowly into me, my body welcoming him as he moaned my name. I wrapped my legs around his body as he gave me what I wanted, playing with my clit as he thrust in and out, bringing me to climax before pulling out and getting his release as well. For some reason it was his groan as he was hitting his climax that really did something to me to put butterflies in my stomach. It was so deep and husky that all I wanted was to hear just that over and over. He leaned down and kissed me, before getting up to grab a clean cloth from the wash basin and clean his cum from my body. 

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