20: Dimitri

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*** This chapter contains sexual content which may not be suitable for sensitive readers. Reader discretion is advised. And for those of you who love a little smut, I hope you enjoy! 

As soon as we received word that Erilyn had fulfilled her role of overthrowing the king of the Hummingbird Kingdom, we quickly got follow-up correspondence from Erilyn and the Hummingbird Queen. The king and the prince had escaped and were in the wind. Measures were to be taken to protect Erilyn and Lord Varen, but there were no updates to indicate how they were going to be able to track down the king or Devil's Judgement. It was soon after this correspondence was received that I was called to our king's chambers, the energy within his office tense as he and a few guards discussed what was to be done. 

"Dimitri, I want you to go to the Hummingbird Kingdom and guard Erilyn. We cannot lose her and she will most likely need your help and support. Lord Varen has not known warfare like you have." I nodded in agreement, bowing to the king upon being given his orders. "However, before you go, Erilyn wrote you a letter directly when she and the Hummingbird Queen sent their correspondence." The king passed me the letter, and I opened it, reading it aloud. 

"Dimitri, my Comrade. I need you to come to my aid. But I also need something from you before you come to the Hummingbird Kingdom. If Lord Izen is still in the castle, which I would imagine he is, please have him take you to my informant in town. Take gold with you. I need to know if Saint's Domain has noted any movements in the catacombs. Devil's Judgement meetings are normally held there, and below the catacombs Devil's Judgement has built an entire city. If they're gathering there to start a war, Saint's Domain will be planning ways to burn them out. Warn my father. Have the townspeople who live close to the border of the town evacuated to a safe place. 

I also need to speak with you, as our next conversation will very much likely change the course of our kingdom." I held my breath, as I read the next line, not caring to repeat it out loud to the audience. 

Love, Erilyn  

I felt my chest swell and it took all that I had to look up at the king from that one line. Had Erilyn's feelings changed since our last conversation? Had I overstepped when we had kissed? What was she thinking? 

"Dimitri." The king addressed me again, and I realized I had missed what he said. 

"I'm sorry your Highness, can you please repeat that." The king frowned, frustrated with my distracted headspace.

"Find Lord Izen and do what she requires. And protect our daughter." I stood at attention, quickly bowing, and racing out of the king's quarters and to Lord Izen's. I knocked once and got a frantic response from him in return. 

"One moment." I waited and was ready to barge in when he opened the door. He looked rough, his hair in ruffled disarray, his clothing wrinkled and obviously thrown on. My eyes drifted to beyond him where I saw Marie, barely covered with a sheet, making her way towards us. 

"Dimitri." She said with a smile as she came closer, which got an exasperated and frustrated look from Lord Izen. "Are you here for me?" 

"No, I'm here for Lord Izen." I ignored her as she let the sheet fall further from her body and she dropped her arms a bit in frustration. "Lord, word has come back from the Hummingbird Kingdom. Erilyn requested your aid with something here in the kingdom." Lord Izen raised his eyes as he processed this, and looked behind to Princess Marie. 

"Marie, we will have to continue this later." Princess Marie turned furious, her face growing red. 

"You're denying me because SHE wrote to you. It can wait can't it?!" She yelled, appalled by Lord Izen's rejection. 

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