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The Traveler on the screen with Paimon on hiked up to the Temple of the Wolf to meet up with Kaeya to explore the temple.

"You've arrived."

"Come closer. Can you smell that?"

"Aren't the doors closed...?"

"It's the smell of burnt Pyro Slimes."


"Something must have happened in the temple."

"I imagine there will be slimes, hilichurls, and... whatever is giving Stormterror extra power."

"Oh yes, it is going to be lively in there indeed!"

"Will it be dangerous?"

"As bustling as it may be — no, I can't imagine it will be dangerous at all."

"No doubt nothing more than a disorderly mob of creatures."

"Oh, ho-ho! You're quite the brave one, aren't you!"

"It's a pity that the Temple of the Wolf has been disturbed by such an atrocity."

"The temples were once symbols and places of worship in the past of course. So it would be normal to feel so."

"Let's head in, Aether."

"No one makes offerings to The Four Winds anymore, yet the old winds never vanish..."

'How odd... I wonder why. Could it be hate at Barbatos for abandoning them? That is heavily incorrect as we could see that the citizens of Mondstadt does not mind his abscence. Or could it be something else?'

"We need to clear out the temples, for The Four Winds."

They watched as Aether, Paimon, and Kaeya battled through obstacle and obstacle to get to the chamber where there was the same crystal containing Stormterror's power. The trio in the screen only let out a sigh of relief after they successfully destroyed it.

"Bravo! What a performance!"

'And here comes that over excessiveness.'

"You are, to my surprise, a well-trained knight."

"The battles you just fought were sights to behold."

"Not worth complimenting really..."

"Haha, I see you already have the knightly virtue of modesty."

Diluc's eyebrow subtly twitched.

"Stories of your heroic deeds to save Mondstadt from destruction shall be known throughout the City of Freedom, well into the future."

"Please do visit me at our headquarters when you have the time."

"I also know a lovely tavern, if that's more your thing."

"Kaeya, You didn't know of cutie's true age at the time didn't you? Then why would you say that to someone who's clearly underage? Hm?~"

Kaeya dramatically felt an imaginary arrow struck him.

"Quite rewarding, no?"

"We've seized another temple from Stormterror's grasp!"

"I can take care of the rest here. You go take care of other things while I'm at it."

"See you later then, bye-bye~!"

The others began to wonder if there was a malfunction as the screen did not follow Aether and rather kept on showing Kaeya.

"Oh?~ So they will show that too?"

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