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Aether just wanted to find his sister. That was all. But what did he even do for the world to hate him?! Save a nation by saving the dragon, okay. Save a nation by killing an ancient god, okay. Help a young miss abolish a magic stone hunt decree and help a foxy priestess slap the shit out of her emo friend, okay. No offense, Ei. He hasn't even met the Dendro Archon, yet!

After all that shit and with the addition of the other shits, Aether felt like nothing could stress him more. But alas, the world hates him. Aether who was just finishing up on saying goodbye to Rana and Arana, was met with a blinding light and when he woke up he was hit with a slight headache. Right now though, he was in a large space that looked like the ballroom of a castle. However, there were lines of sofas surrounding a pedestal with a pyramid-shaped crystal.

(A/N : Aether just finished the Aranara quest but he hasn't met Nahida yet. So he just about to start the Sabzerus festival headache after helping the Aranara. Ok? Cause I really want to see the archons almost killing the akademiya when they found out what happens to Nahida. So no Wanderer yet.)

What was more surprising was the amount of people in that space. Aether was 100% sure there were people from the seven nations in this room and it looked like the layout of the sofas were divided into 8. He had woken up near the pedestal and it soon caught the attention of all his acquaintaces.


It took quite a while for the commotion regarding him to settle down before Aether gathered with the leaders of the three nations that he has visited. He did wonder why the other four nations' leaders didn't want to join in, but he soon realized it was because the leaders of the three nations had one similarity. They were all incredibly familiar with him.

Aether noticed that Ei or the Raiden Shogun had Yae Miko represent her. It looks like that Ei had decided to gather with Barbatos and Morax for the time being.

There was some panic when the people first arrived, from what Aether had heard from the leaders/representatives of the four nations. There was Jean representing Mondstadt, Ningguang and Keqing representing Liyue, and lastly Yae Miko representing Inazuma.

"We have scoured for any exits and we found none."

"We found no kind of mechanism that we could activate."

"The only thing abnormal is that pedestal in the center. It looked like some kind of device what with all the buttons."

"We have tried many things to activate it but for some reason, it won't activate. Despite there being no kind of visible damage."

"What was even more odd and alarming is the fact that there is no elemental energy in this space. Ei, or the Electro Archon has confirmed that erasure of elemental energy is an ability only certain gods have, which none of the Seven Archons have."

"Which means that we were transported here by a transcendental being higher than the Seven."

"How intelligent."

Everyone's guard immediately sprung as an unfamiliar voice rang through the space. Aether could feel an incredibly familiar feeling as he sets his eyes on a person with lilac-silver hair in white robes with blue shades. His eyes were of different colours. One a beautiful deep blue that reminded him of Enkanomiya and the other one of a crimson bloody red, reminding him of the skies of the Cataclysm.

Everyone was speechless with his ethereal beauty for a moment before being snapped back by the chilling voice.

"Oh how peculiar..."

The unknown man was staring at Alhaitham in such close proximity that Aether was sure made Alhaitham extremely uncomfortable at the moment.

"To think I would see those eyes once again. How interesting. Boy, how are you linked with that brat Deshret?"

That name immediately rang alarms in the heads of the people of Sumeru. Deshret. Only one being has that name. King Deshret, the God of the desert people. The Scarlet King. The Tyrant of the Sands. Aether remembered that the idea of his resurrection was what pushed Ayn Al-Ahmar to act so drastically in Port Ormos.

"Hmph. No matter. Gods always had the lowest chance of reincarnation. Greetings everyone."

The strange man pulled back and everyone could clearly see the features they couldn't spot just before.

"I am Ryong Khalei of the Heavenly Realm. The God of Love and Marriage."

The archons and the people of Snezhnaya were immediately shocked by what the man said.

"Preposterous! You are not Her Majesty the Tsaritsa!"

The one to first burst was Arlecchino, the Knave. The archon in question only stayed silent, as she was curious on the relationship between the man and Celestia.

"Of course I am not you brat. I am from a higher realm of gods."

Hushed whispers filled the room as they all collectively thought that he was from Celestia.

"I do not originate from Celestia. I am from a much higher realm of gods that watches over multiple worlds and it's resident gods. Though that fake realm couldn't be called our subordinates. I watch over all the Gods of Love in every world like a supervisor."

Not many noticed that he called Celestia a fake realm of gods. The ones who noticed, furrowed their brows in contemplation.

"And besides that God of yours has long since been deemed unworthy of that title."

The people of Snezhnaya that idolizes the Tsaritsa looked like they would strangle the man.

"What kind of God of Love commands her people to do things that would receive the scorn and fear of people? A God of Love's people must be filled with all kinds of love for everything. She shouldn't have steeled herself and bring her nation to fight with gods. Does she think she is omnipotent and every subordinate of hers could kill a God? Even with those so called Delusions, she is basically killing all her people."

"Her Majesty the Tsaritsa's divine ambition ca-"

"Then she should change her title to the God of Ambition. Or God of Fools. She's the leader of the organization of fools isn't she? She's also quite the fool herself."

"How dare you!-"

"Why do you call me a fool?"

Everyone's attention was soon brought by the chilling authoritative voice. they immediately knew it was the Tsaritsa herself, as only she could silence and render the fatui harbingers into submission.

"A fool would only use the power of others to thwart the fake gods. And what person other than a fool would willingly bring stalking devices into their own territory. Those gods you fear are not even comparable to the real divine."

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