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What the...

What is this....

I'm not even...


"Hyung, hyung, I did it!" Jisung said breathlessly, hunching over to catch his breath.

"Good for you. Has he seen it yet?" Minho asked.

"No, I don't think so. But we have class together in a few moments, so maybe he'll see it by then! Oh, I'm so nervous..."

An unsettling feeling entered Minho's gut. Today, Jisung had written an anonymous letter and put it in Felix's locker along with the chocolate and rice cakes he had bought the other day with Minho. The letter read:

For: Lee Felix

Hi! I've liked you ever since I saw you, but I've never had the guts to tell you face-to-face. I'm going to stay anonymous because I don't want to make a fool out of myself if we don't happen to be soulmates. 

Please accept these gifts I bought for you. Have a nice day! :)

From, your secret admirer

P.S. you're really cute 🥰

Jisung had shown the letter to Minho before slipping it into an envelope and sealing it with a heart sticker. It flipped Minho's insides upside-down - it hurt him how Jisung liked Felix so much. Sooner or later, he would have to tell him that Felix isn't his soulmate, or let him find out for himself. It was his 16th birthday in a week, anyway.

From the start of the day, Minho had been feeling very nervous and uncertain, courtesy of Jisung. He didn't like it - he hadn't felt nervous for a very long time. It was like a bottomless pit of anxiety, making him feel nauseous and sick.

Damn it...why did God have to create soulmates...

He knew that Jisung suffered from anxiety ever since he was young, so although he was very talkative and social, there were times when he had sudden panic attacks over the littlest things. Minho helped him get through it when they were younger, but as soon as Minho turned 16 and his found out who his soulmate was, it got harder for him since he was finally experiencing what Jisung went through all the time. He would be in class and he would suddenly hunch over in pain, sweating profusely and whimpering quietly. And then as soon as the class ended, he would race to the bathroom where he found Jisung in one of the stalls, crying about how he had a panic attack during a science presentation. That was the day that it was confirmed for Minho that Jisung was his soulmate.

"Remember to text me if you need anything," Minho reminded Jisung as they went different ways for class, "and don't do anything stupid!"

"Ok, hyung. See you later!"

I don't have a good feeling about this... Minho pursed his lips.


Jisung's breathing picked up when he saw Felix entering the room. He wore a huge smile on his face and seemed to be holding something in his arms.

"Hi Sungie!" Felix took a seat next to Jisung. "You wouldn't believe what I just found in my locker!"

Jisung tried to look like he didn't care. "Oh?"

Felix leaned in, his beautiful eyes gleaming. "Look!!"

He showed the items he was holding. Jisung bit back a smile when he saw the letter he had written and the food he had bought was in the pile.

Wait...in the pile?

Next to Jisung's gifts was a nicely wrapped box of candy with a letter on top of it. 

I feel like I've seen that candy box before...eh, I must have just passed by it yesterday when buying gifts for Felix with Minho hyung.

"I have two secret admirers!!" Felix squealed. "And someone even got me rice cakes! My favourite!"

Jisung internally sighed in relief.

But a thought tugged at him - who was this other person? Did he know this person? Did this person like Felix as much as he did?

"Wow, Lix! No wonder, you're the sunshine of our school anyway." Jisung giggled, acting clueless. "I think I have an idea who the person that gave you the rice cakes is. But I can't tell you, he's very shy."

"Do you think that one of these secret admirers could be my soulmate??" Felix asked. "My birthday is next week. Maybe it's Changbin..." he said the last part so quietly that Jisung didn't hear it.

"Hmm, maybe! And my birthday is next week too!! Sept. 14."

"Really? Mine's Sept. 15! Are you having a party? Because I am~" Felix said. "Wanna come? It's after school that day, from 5 to 9."

"Sure!" Jisung replied, feeling triumphant and accomplished. "My party is after school too, though it starts a bit later - 6 to 10. Uhmm..." he blushed. "Do you maybe...wanna come?"

Felix looked like he had just been offered a golden ticket to all the rice cakes in the world. "Of course! Birthday buddies~~fuck, why is your nose bleeding?"

"I-It's nothing!"

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