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Maybe he was just being ignorant.


When Minho said "you don't have to buy me anything", he actually meant "you don't have to buy me anything". But Jisung would not take 'no' for an answer, and now here they were, standing in front of the mall.

"I told you, Sungie. No need to spend your money on me." Minho sighed, but internally he was looking forward to spending the whole day with his best friend. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his black jeans, shivering slightly from the chilly wind. The temperature had gone down, making him regret only wearing a white t-shirt and no jacket or sweater.

"Shush, I recently received a huge amount of money from my grandpa, so I'm planning to use it all on you, hyung! My favourite person in the world!!" Jisung gave a toothy smile to Minho, the breeze almost carrying his bucket hat away. He was too, dressed inappropriately for the weather - a simple, big t-shirt and some baggy pants.

Isn't Felix your favourite person...? Minho bit his lip and dismissed the thought. "Ugh, fine. C'mon, lets go inside, its cold."

Once they entered the mall, Jisung was like an unstoppable tornado.

"Hyung! This would look great on you!"

"Hyung! Have you tried this before?"

"Hyung! Let's go in there!"

"Hyung! I want to take pictures!"

Of course, Minho was used to this. He allowed himself to get dragged from store to store, enjoying Jisung's excitement and chattering.

"You're acting like you've never been in the mall before, Sungie." Minho chuckled as they walked around.

"It's literally been a whole week since I've been here!! That's practically 50 years!!" Jisung exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "Ooh, hyung, look, cheesecake! Lets go get some!" he raced off into the crowd towards the cake cafe.

Minho got bad flashbacks of Jisung abandoning him for the said food, but he shook it off and followed him. "Slow down. You're going to get lost." 

"Then you can just hold my hand." Jisung slipped his hand into Minho's, not noticing the faint blush on the latter's cheeks. 

I literally cannot keep my feelings in check if he's going to act like this... Minho gently intertwined their fingers. "Yeah."

"...one day, I'll be holding Felix's hand like this!"

Oh. Of course.

Minho's smile faltered a little bit.

"Anyways, I'm thinking of getting one slice of cheesecake and a pink rose sparkler with coconut jelly. You?" Jisung stared up at Minho with sparkling brown eyes.

"I think I'll get mint chocolate ice cream and strawberry juice on the side." Minho replied. "Here, I'll pay for this one."

"Wh--" before Jisung could protest, Minho placed the order and handed the cashier the money and winked at him. "My treat."


"Gahhhh that was so good!!" Jisung said (read: screamed), setting down his fork next to his empty plate. "Thanks for buying this for me, hyung!"

"Well, you bought me four t-shirts, two hats, six rings, and one necklace, so this is the least I could do." Minho mumbled, sipping his drink.

"Yeah but you deserve it~I kind of left you that day I went out with Felix, so I wanted to make it up to you." Jisung giggled, leaning over and beaming. "So what'dya wanna do know?"

Heat rose up to Minho's cheeks, but quickly forced down his growing feelings and shrugged. "I dunno."

Suddenly, Jisung gasped and slammed his hands onto the table, making Minho jolt in his seat.

"I know where we can go!"

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