Chapter 13

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The road I turned into felt a little darker than the street I had been in moments before. There weren't busy holiday makers weaving there way through each other and climbing into brightly coloured taxis with their bulky and equally bright luggage. There weren't even any strait faced businessmen speeding past with their fancy briefcases. The pavement had no people and there were few cars. This clearly wasn't planned, but the cars were blacks and greys instead of other brighter or happier colours. The setting lowered my mood slightly, but I was sure Aria was just avoiding traffic. I was glad of this, as I wanted to see her as soon as possible, but it would have been nice to have a cheesy run and hug inside the airport.

As I reached about halfway through the short road, I stopped to look for the car. I couldn't see anyone far military siting in the drivers seat, so continued to walk on up the road until I saw my beautiful sister. I had a slight confused look on my face, as I was sure I had gone the right way but couldn't see any sign of Aria.

I decided to wait to see if Aria was late before I texted or called her again. I didn't want her to get pulled over by the police for texting and driving or anything like that. I meant against a dark coloured car with black tinted windows to quickest tie my laces heifer finding a bench or somewhere that could be somewhat comfortable to sit.

As I leant forward to tie my second shoe lace the car door opened, causing me to fall forwards. As I turned around to see who had made me fall, a pair of arms in black clothing reached and dragged me into the car as fast as they had appeared. I didn't have time to scream before the mysterious figure forced a hospital type mask over my mouth and nose.

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