Chapter 59

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The chorus of the Meryl Streep version of Mamma Mia woke me up. Despite how bright my screen was, I unlocked my phone to make the alarm stop and to check the time.

"Six forty-five." I mumbled to myself before pulling my duvet off my body, causing me to shiver. I had been used to sleeping until I naturally woke up, but I guess school means Mamma Mia, grease, and high school musical soundtracks forcing me to wake up each morning. How exciting.

I got up and made my way towards the bathroom. As I opened my bedroom door I saw Aria open the bathroom door, which was perfect timing. I wasn't used to waiting to use the bathroom in the morning, and didn't want to get used to it anytime soon.

"Morning." Aria said as unenthusiastically as humanly possible. The fact her hair was a birds nest and her eye bags were practically suitcases added to the Monday morning vibe my sister was giving off.

"I would say good morning, but I'm cold, so I've had better morning." I said.

I had showered the night before, and I was never one to shower in the morning anyway, so I wasn't in the bathroom for too long. Once I had washed my face and brushed my teeth, I made my way back to my bedroom.

I put on an outfit me and Aria had chosen the night before. I wore a pair of high waisted shorts with a chunky black belt, a baggy khaki green vest top, an oversized patterned cardigan, and a pair of tan boots with a few centimetres of maroon sock coming from the top of my shoes. For my makeup, I did the usual face and eyeliner, but put on dabbed a reddish pink lipstick over my lips so that it was visible, but not thick like how lipstick is usually put on.

"For God sake!" I heard Ella cry in depear from the kitchen as I walked downstairs. I quickened my pace, curious on what was going in. I walked in to see Ella putting two pieces of burnt toast into the bin, and I couldn't help but laugh at how she was so emotional about a couple of pieces of overcooked bread.

"Don't laugh at me," Ella said to me when she saw me standing in the doorway. "This is the fifth piece I've burnt!"

"I'm going to have cereal." Aria said. Her and Mike were already sat at the table, as I wasn't aware their alarms had been set for 6:30.

Once everyone had finished breakfast, we were pretty much ready to go. Ella wouldn't let us leave the house without taking half a million 'first day back' photos. I thought this was weird, as in America barely any schools have uniform, but I went along with it to keep Ella happy. After a few minutes of photos, she let us leave. Apparently the school wasn't very far, so we all walked to school together, taking the smell of bent toast with us.

"ARIA, NANCY!" Hanna screamed at us when we arrived, which brought extra attention to us all. We had been in the papers and on the news all summer, so we were already getting our fair share of stares.

"I'm going to go and find my friends." Mike said to me before I went off with the girls. "If I don't see you before lunch, meet me here so we can have a girly gossip, Okay?"

"Okay." I said, laughing at how camp he was acting. This all stopped when he waved goodbye and walked over to all his friends.

I turned to see Aria had joined Hanna, Spencer, Emily, and Ali at a nearby bench, but before I went to join them I went to see Mona. I had seen her arrive while I was talking to Mike, and she seemed very nervous. I walked over to Mona, who was biting her lip, and wrapped my arms around her neck. I hadn't seen her in over a week. It didn't seem a long time, but when we were trapped in A's dungeon we spent every moment we could together.

"Hey." Mona said once we had both pulled away from the hug.

"You don't need to pretend to be okay, I can see you're a nervous wreck." I told her, which made her smile. She had told me she hadn't had a proper friend since Hanna, and I could tell she was accepting me as a close friend.

"I know you're nervous too, you know." Mona argued, but it was obvious she had been dreading this day.

Before any of us could get any more panicked, the bell rang and it was time for my first day at an American High School. I was 99.9% hoping it would be high school musical, so anything less would be a let down.

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