Chapter 12

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"Make sure you are seated and your seat belts are fastened, as the plane will be landing very soon!" Is what an air hostess said in a clear voice.

I looked out of the widow and the view wasn't covered by clouds like it had been for the most part of the journey. I could see the top of hundreds of buildings. They looked tiny in the difference, but they were probably huge compared to my small height. I smiled thinking about how I wasn't going to be the only short person in my family anymore.

As the aeroplane got lower, my phone started to get a weak signal. I sent my adoptive parents a quick text to say I was okay, as they might be worried about me. I wasn't sure if my message would deliver because of me being overseas, but it's the thought that counts.

I then sent a message to Aria to inform her that my flight was about to land. Seconds after this, I felt the wheels of the plane hit the ground. I excitedly smiled out of the window again. I felt like a belonged, even though my feet hadn't yet touched the ground.
The air hostess told us it was time to get off of the plane and to make sure everybody has their hand luggage. I debated in my head on whether they said this in case there was a chance of someone leaving a bomb of some sort of some people were so forgetful that they could leave all their belongings onboard.

I walked down the slanted tunnel from the plane to the airport. I felt like someone from the movie E.T, but I soon got over it.

The tunnel lead to the conveyor belt where the suitcases would soon come out of. I sat on a bench next to the conveyor belts and waited for my shiny red case to appear from the grey flaps in the wall.

Most people had dull coloured case, so I spotted my red patent suitcase quickly and made my way to the door.
When I got into the main waiting area, i saw the women I say with on the plane. I asked if they would mind my case and quickly went to use the bathroom. As I was leaving the toilets, I felt a rumble from my back pocket.
I said my goodbyes to the lovely elderly ladies and made my way to the front entrance. I checked my phone and opened my text message from Aria.
'Take the next left and I'll be in a black car, kisses -A'

I almost skipped around the corner with excitement!

I Am Nancy Montgomery  (Pretty Little Liars Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now