[16] Will Ospreay [Longing]

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Pairing: Will Ospreay x Original Character

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Love. Such an odd, powerful thing.

Will had loved her since they were children; it was hard not to. From their first meeting when the Wells family moved next door to his childhood home, Will had known that Elizabeth was a special gal. Even if he hadn't quite realized how special she was at the time, there had still been a brief realization in the back of his young mind that the silly little blonde girl in the *Nsync shirt was someone he just had to get to know.

It was during their early teenage years that Will had realized just how much he cared for Elizabeth. They had been discussing moves that they wanted to use as finishers in the future and there had been something about the passion that Elizabeth displayed, something that he had seen many times over the course of their friendship, that had just caught him off-guard. His cheeks had flushed as a wave of endearment rushed over him and Will had played it off as a change in the temperature outside.

Elizabeth had been the one who confessed her feelings first, telling Will that she loved him before they both left on different paths to pursue their professional wrestling careers. The two had shared a kiss that day, Elizabeth's first, and she had walked away with a piece of his heart that he had never quite regained in her absence.

The occasional messages or meet-ups over the following years had been nice, naturally, but they always left Will with the startling realization that he'd never feel whole without her by his side. From the moment they had originally parted ways, Will had prioritized his career and thrown his personal feelings into a box that was only opened in Elizabeth's presence. It was better that way, really, for both of them; wasn't it? So that nothing held either of them back?

Until the moment that Will and Elizabeth kissed for the second time, inside her hotel room after his first appearance for All Elite Wrestling, he had believed that to be the case. The moment that he had felt Elizabeth's gentle, welcoming lips against his once again, Will had crumbled. Years of keeping her at a distance had been washed away in a single moment, overpowered by the love that he had tried so very hard to ignore.

As they kissed, Will had pulled her closer by the waist. Elizabeth fisted his shirt with both hands, eliminating as much space between them as possible. Will could feel the way his heart quickened and his head spun, but he was more concerned about the way Elizabeth's soft, clothed hips felt beneath his fingers.

"I can't tell you how fucking long I've wanted to do that again," Will's voice was breathless as he smiled down at the woman who had held his heart for such a very long time. "I've missed you, love."

The look of fondness that crossed Elizabeth's face was unmistakable, even as she gently teased him. "I've always been here, you dick. Waiting for you."

Will's rapidly beating heart tightened and as a husky chuckle rumbled through his chest, he lightly grazed his hands from her hips to her face. "And you've waited far too fuckin' long, I'd say. But better late than never, yeah?"

They kissed once again, much like an explosion of passion. Will's body moved on its own, all conscious thoughts leaving his mind except for one – the desire to just be as close to Elizabeth as he possibly could.

Before he knew it, Will was lifting Elizabeth into his arms and moving her towards the bed. Even when her back connected with the mattress, he was reluctant to separate their lips; as if parting them would bring forth the end of whatever it was they were doing.

He was pleasantly surprised, then, when he felt Elizabeth's hands sneak underneath the hem of his shirt. The delicate touch of her fingers skimming over his abs was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, similar to a fire spreading quickly throughout his body. As he finally, begrudgingly, pulled his lips away from hers, Will was met with the intoxicating sight of Elizabeth beneath him, her hair fanned out against the sheets and her cheeks flushed.

There had never been a more beautiful image, Will decided. While he would have loved to savor it, there was a more pressing matter at hand.

"Liz," Will wasn't sure what he was trying to say, though the words tried to flow from his mouth. "Liz, I–"

"Don't," Elizabeth shook her head, smiling up at him. "Don't say anything. Just..."

She pushed herself upwards on her elbows and connected their lips in a short, chaste kiss. "Just do it, Will."

Elizabeth didn't clarify what she meant but she didn't have to. An excited, toothy grin came to Will's face for only a moment before he swallowed hard and gave her a nod; if she didn't want him to speak and preferred he get to the point, well, he could handle that request.

Their clothing was discarded quickly, scattering around the room without a care in the world. Hands explored flesh and Will made a point to pay attention to each exposed section of Elizabeth's body. He massaged her breasts and took her nipples into his mouth, tending to them until Elizabeth's shaky hands began to push his head lower, the tips of her fingers grasping helplessly at his short hair.

By the time Will finally entered Elizabeth and fully connected their bodies, Elizabeth was a moaning mess beneath him. Her nails scratched the skin on his back while it was all Will could do to stop himself from fucking her straight through the squeaking mattress. Although if he had to guess, Elizabeth wouldn't have cared if he did; that is, aside from the hefty fee that the hotel would've charged for damaging their property.

But hey, what wrestler hadn't busted something in a hotel room before? Their predecessors were always punching out walls or breaking lamps, weren't they? What was wrong with what Will and Elizabeth were doing?

Elizabeth finished twice before Will finally reached his climax, carelessly spilling his warm release into her before he could think of potential consequences. With the last bit of strength that his wobbly body could muster, he slipped out of Elizabeth and fell onto the bed beside her, pulling her along to lay her head on his chest in the process.

"I love you, Liz," Will muttered as he stared up at the ceiling, mind swirling. Truthfully, his love for the woman was the one thing he was entirely sure of at that moment. "I never stopped."

An adorable, heartwarming (and tired) laugh sounded from Elizabeth's chest. The arm that she had lazily draped around Will's waist squeezed him affectionately. "I love you too, Will. Always have."

Will wasn't sure where things would go from there but knew that it was something they would figure out together. He and Elizabeth had reconnected and now, Will wasn't going to allow anything to come between them again.

Once more, it would be Will and Elizabeth taking on the world. Just as it always should have been.

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