[50] Nick Jackson [Sun]

66 3 93

Pairing(s): Nick Jackson x Original Character, Kenny Omega x Original Character

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When Cassandra had initially invited her friends over for a warm, fun day in the sun, she had been aware of the fact that nothing ever went according to plan with their group. That was just the reality of the situation.

However, she had not expected to be greeted by one single Buck whenever she opened her front door. They most often traveled as a pair.

"Nick?" Cassandra was the first of the two to speak, unable to hide the confusion from her voice.

"Sandy?" Nick mimicked her surprise. "What're you doing here?"

"Oh, shut up," Cassandra rolled her eyes in spite of the small smile tugging at her lips. "What're you doing without your brother? I didn't think you and Matt were capable of traveling on your own."

"What?" Nick laughed. "I'm a big boy, Sandy! I don't need my big brother to take care of me. I'm perfectly capable of driving myself to your humble abode, thank you."

Cassandra silently stared at him for a moment. "That's true."

"But if you're really that interested in what he's doing, Matt's gonna ride on over with Hangman. Kick his ass around a little bit, you know?" The look Nick sent her was one that Cassandra understood instantly.

There had been a bit of discourse amongst their group lately and it all boiled down to the jealousy Hangman felt towards Kenny's relationship with Maxine. Hangman had been a bit difficult to deal with for the past month or so and his sour mood had been part of what had encouraged Cassandra to throw this little party together in the first place.

Best case scenario, Hangman was able to enjoy himself and began to accept that Maxine and Kenny were in love. Worst case scenario, Hangman tried to fight Kenny in Cassandra's backyard.

"Makes sense," Cassandra nodded.

Another moment passed. Nick flickered his gaze from Cassandra to the door and then back to Cassandra.

"Am I allowed to go in?" Nick asked playfully.

"Depends. Do you need permission, like a vampire?" Cassandra quirked a brow as she sent Nick a sly smirk.

"I mean, I think it'd be pretty rude to just toss you out of the way and run on in, but if that's what you'd rather I do, well..." Nick's words, paired with his grin, was enough to bring a laugh from the woman. "Hope you're ready to bump."

"Get in here," She stepped aside and watched as Nick entered her home, closing the door behind him.

Nick dropped his bag off in the guest bedroom that, most likely, he would not be staying in that night. Cassandra's house had only two bedrooms and she was sure that Kenny would claim it for him and Maxine. Her couch could sleep two more people. Cassandra had asked for someone to bring an air mattress and while Kenny had volunteered to do so, she wondered if he'd actually remember to do it.

"Since I have absolutely no clue when the others will be here, do you wanna go sit outside?" Cassandra asked as Nick walked back into the living room where she waited for him. "The pool's been calling my name all morning."

Nick gave a thoughtful hum. "Well, I guess that really depends."

"On what?"

"Are you going to Superkick me into it again, like last time?" Nick stared at Cassandra as though she was the least trustworthy person he had ever met.

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