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48 hours. this is how long has passed since jaemin had told the whole truth to his friends, hoping to get the best solution out of that. and so, 48 hours since he was aware that the best solution for them all was to cut ties.

but how could he find himself to do that? he would at first hurt both jeno and renjun a lot, and he would hurt himself considerably too.

he knew he had to do it, for his sake, for jeno's sake and for renjun's sake. but it was so hard...

and so, here he was, 48 hours after receiving his friends' opinion, lying in his rabbit form on jeno and renjun's bed, trying to think of when he could see renjun and how he could tell him, and then, trying to think of how he could tell jeno he would be moving out. 

"no, you don't. you don't have a job, you don't work, you don't earn money, and you definitely don't get money withdrawn from your account each month for the electricity you use!"

"i-i'm still studying..."

jaemin frowned as he heard loud voices coming from the living room, recognising them to be jeno and rnejun's. they seemed to be arguing which was rare when the two boys were in good terms. but it was even weirder now that they were acting like strangers... it seemed like they didn't talk anymore, and so, this argument was maybe one of the first interactions the boys had for a few days.

"yeah, you better be studying well. this way you'll find a nice job and earn lots of money. and then you'll be able to repay me all of the money you made me loose because of your bullshit."


as he wasn't sure he heard everything clearly, the hybrid decided to get to the living room and pay more attention to their fight in order to understand what was going wrong.

and so, he hopped off the bed, walking out of the bedroom through the ajar door before making his way to the living room as the argument between the two lovers went on.

"y-yes! can you imagine how expensive you cost?!"

"h-how expensive..."

and then, horrifying words left jeno's mouth. words that jaemin never thought he would hear coming out of the boy's mouth.

"i-if i'm s-such a horrible boyfriend, w-why don't you break up with me?!"

the hybrid shrieked at that, sounding more like a small squeak as he was in his rabbit form.

this is when he knew that things were about to get very bad, so he bounced all the way to the living room, expecting for renjun's answer – which came a few seconds later – nervously.

"why would i be the one to break up? just break up with me if you don't like this situation!"

oh god, this was very bad...

jaemin now stood in front of the two boys in his rabbit form, looking at them screaming at each other to break up. this was very very bad, and jaemin needed to do something about it. he couldn't let them break they amazing relationship for such meaningless things...

"y-you're criticising me and claiming that i'm too expensive to you, and i should be the one to break up? i-i'm very happy taking advantage of your money. just break up if you don't like that!"

"well, you should break up yourself, because..."

jaemin knew it was too much and that he needed to act.

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