chapter 03

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A few minutes passed and the rest of the group that was at the party was on their way home.

Ethan turned on the TV and saw that all of the news were about this new Ghostface.
"Fuck, it's on the news already? It hasn't even been half an hour since I got attacked" Bailey phrased.
"Well it looks like other people also got attacked before you did. Ghostface has already got 5 strikes" Ethan put into words.

Bailey sat down next to Ethan on the sofa he was sitting on. That's when someone rang the doorbell. "Ethan, let us in!!" Tara yelled from the other side of the door. "Okay don't worry it's just the others" he told Bailey. She nodded. He went to the door and unlocked all the locks.

Sam stepped into the house first and saw a girl sitting on the couch. "Who the fuck are you?" she interrogated.
"Oh you didn't hear? That's Ethan's new girlfriend, Bailey" Chad hinted. "What the fuck? I'm not his girlfriend We've known each other for like 3 hours" Bailey replied.

"My boyfriend and I did it the first half hour we knew each other so.." Quinn implied. "That info was so unnecessary right now" Tara commented.

Last but not least Mindy and Anika came through the door hand in hand. First thing they saw was Bailey standing right next to Ethan. "Am I seeing this right?" Mindy whispered to Anika. "Yes, I'm seeing it too, Bailey actually talked to a guy."

"What happened to your arm?"
Tara questioned Bailey and pointed at her bandadged injury.
"Ghostface is back." Ethan publicised before letting Bailey explain the whole situation.
"What?" Sam asked alarmed.
"Ethan, what the fuck do you mean by 'Ghostface is back'?"Taras voice was agitating.

"We wanted to go home and then I got a phone call. I picked it up and thought it was just someone playing a Halloween prank on me, but I guess it wasn't a prank because before we knew it, he started attacking us." Bailey stated.

Everyone looked at each other frightened. Sam and Tara sat down on the sofa trying to comprehend what they just heard.
"I actually think I need a second." Mindy clarified.
"What the hell do we do now? Die?" Bailey asked.

"We won't fucking die, Bailey shut up." Tara yelled in an anxious tone.
"Tara, calm down don't talk to her like that" Ethan blurted.
"Calm down? How the fuck are you not panicking?" Sam defended her sister.

"I bet Ethan's the killer" Mindy suspected. "What the hell Mindy? He's not the killer, he was with me the whole time" Bailey said.
"Have you never seen 'Stab' before, Bailey? There's always two killers. And I thought you were a horror movie fan, well what can I say" Anika replied.

"First of all, of course I've watched the Stab movies, believe it or not I've also read Gale's books. Second of all, it doesn't always have to be two killers. Roman Bridgers did it solo and still got the most kills out of every other Ghostface" the girl explained.

"Well Roman Bridgers died 23 years ago, I don't think people are still gonna copy him" Chad assumed.

"Billy Loomis and Stu Macher died earlier than that and people are still trying to be like them so fuck the 'it was so long ago' rule" Bailey settled.

"She does have a point" Ethan defended her.
"Thank you, one person who understands me!" she declared.

Suddenly the phone rang.
"Oh fuck!" Tara yelled.
"Relax, it might be some random person." Quinn comforted.
Sam picked up the phone anxiously.
"Ghostface is back" the voice on the phone said.
It was the one and only Gale Weathers.
"Gale? What the fuck do you want" Sam shouted.
"We told you we didn't want a book about us and what did you do? Write a book about us." she applied.

"Look I'm very sorr-" before Gale could finish that sentence Sam hung up.
"What was that for?" Mindy asked.

"You know what, this is too much I'm going to my room. Well Ethans room." Bailey claimed.
"I'm coming with you" he said.

They both sat down on the bed again. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"This is all so fucking messed up. It's been years since the first Ghostfaces existed and people just won't stop." the girl replied.

"I know it's a lot to handle, especially if it's your first time experiencing this but we will both survive. We'll get through this." Ethan said and gave her a hug.

"I will keep you safe." he promised.

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