chapter 01

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"Come on Bailey! Get up and dance with us already" Anika shouted out loud while I was sitting on the couch reading a book thinking: "Why did I even agree to come to this party in the first place?"

"I'll probably dance with you later." I told her. I wont. I won't be caught dead dancing in front of all of these people.

"Who are you looking at, Ethan?", Chad noticed him staring at some girl sitting on a couch reading a book instead of dancing and partying like everyone else is.
"She's gorgeous!" Ethan said looking at her.
„Come on man, give it a go. Ask her out." Chad tried to motivate him.
„Her? Hanging out with a guy like me? It took me atleast one year to even start talking to you, how am I supposed to talk to her?"

"Talk to her or I will introduce you to her instead." Chad told him with a challenging tone.
"No, you won't."
"Oh yes I will"
"No you won't!!"
"Oh yes I will!!" He grabbed Ethans right arm and dragged him to the direction of the girl.
"Hello" Chad said.

"Hi?" I replied confused. Someone  who's not my friend actually talked to me and noticed that I'm here? That's a surprise.
"So this is my friend Ethan here and he wanted to talk to you because he thinks you are very pretty. Or like he said, gorgeous." The guy reported.
It's a little bit crazy to think that someone actually looked at me and thought hey this girl doesn't look that bad!!

"Hi, I'm Ethan." he assured.
"Yeah I know that already, come here, sit down next to me."
Chad gave him a wink and walked away.

"I'm Bailey. Bailey Grace. What's your last name?"
I giggled. "Sorry that sounds abit like laundry."
Ethan tried to act offended but instead he chuckled.
"Why are you here if you aren't dancing or partying?" He asked nervously.
"My friends forced me to come here. They do that all the time, I don't know how they do it."
He smiled.
"I know we just started talking but I noticed that it's abit hard for you to talk to new people right? I mean your friend introduced you to me and you are speaking in a nervous tone. Which is no problem at all, I totally get it, it's just that I wanted you to know that you don't have to feel nervous around me." I tried to comfort him.
"How did you notice that?" He asked me.
"I know when somethings up. It's like I can see through people and how they feel. I can read people's feelings like a book." I told him.
He looked down trying to hide his smile.

Suddenly I saw that Chad guy pushing another guy. "Hey isn't that your friend?" I asked Ethan.
"Uh..yeah that's him. Who is that guy he's fighting?"
"No idea."
A girl stopped Chad from pushing that guy. But then she did something unexpected. She tased him. "Don't ever lay your hands on my sister again." I heard her say in a dangerous voice.
I looked at her more closely.
"Hey isn't that Samantha Carpenter?" I questioned Ethan.
"Yup that's her. I'm friends with her sister and Chad sort of has a thing with her sister so I guess we're all connected. Who are your friends?"
"Two girls named Anika and Mindy. However they are dating so I always feel like the third wheel when I'm with them."

"I know Anika and Mindy. We're all sort of a friend group with Chad, Tara and sometimes Sam. You can come over to our house if you like."
I grinned. "See, you're not that nervous around me anymore. I can see you got comfortable really fast."
Then I realized, so did I.
I also got comfortable with him very fast.
"Wanna leave the party now? It's getting abit loud." he asked.
"For sure, I didn't even want to be here in the first place."
"My place? Well mine, Mindys, Anikas, Sams, Taras, Chads and Quinn's place?"
"Yup, let's get out of here."

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