♡ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 ♡

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Chapters: 3+
Genre: Romance
Status: Ongoing
Reviewing Style: Mode 2

𝕯𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗: It goes without saying, but this whole review is my personal opinion, and while I textualize it as factum from time to time, it is not.




The title "Loved Me Once" is absolutely endearing.

After reading the first chapter, the reader can infer that the story revolves around the idea that Sara and her love interest have met before — in another life — and are now meeting again.

This concept of [she] "Loved Me Once" adds an extra layer of complexity to the story, making it all the more interesting to read.

The choice to capitalize the title, however, is perplexing to me, as capitalization typically conveys a sense of grandeur that seems out of place in a story of gentle tenderness and heartfelt emotion.

This juxtaposition creates a rather jarring effect for the reader.



The idea that life continues to evolve regardless of whether or not we are actively moving through it is a captivating notion and it is similarly captivatingly written.

However, the transition between the opening sentence and the description of the protagonist — Sara — seems abrupt and lacks clarity.

It is unclear how the theme of life moving on relates to Sara's story, or how her journey is affected by this conception.

The blurb also briefly mentions her struggles with violent outbursts, but it is unclear how this ties into her rediscovery of herself and her past.



I was initially skeptical when the opening did not pick up exactly where the blurb left off.

However, I quickly became captivated by the author's writing, and I found myself immersed in the story.

What particularly drew me in was the author's masterful use of subtext and vivid descriptions, which made the protagonist a truly three-dimensional character.

For example, "I feel the stems of the flowers beneath my fingers and listen to the slight satisfying snap they make when I pull on them too hard", illustrates perfectly how the setting isn't only described by the protagonist but actually felt.

Anyone can write the simple statement "The flowers felt nice," but only the author can truly capture the nuanced feeling that the character experienced in this exact moment.

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