Chapter 16 - Disconnect

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After being attacked by the two mysterious assailants, I walked over slowly to the guy who had just been knocked down from the tree. The closer I got the higher I raised the knife. As I began close in on him I started to recognize who it was. 

Y/N: Nawwww… It cant be!

I pulled the branches away from his body only to reveal…

(Conversation in english)  

Noel: Aye foo… its been a minute...

He said as he groaned from the pain… I was shocked to see who it was but at the same time annoyed. Out of all people it had to be Noel. 

Y/N: Oh you mother fucker! Only you would pull off some dumbshit like this! 

I said as I kicked him in the leg with no remorse. 

Noel: Aye man chill!!! I'm sorry!! 

Y/N: What the hell man!!??

Noel: Aye  it's my way of saying hello… 

Y/N: Hello?...Hello?! 

I kicked him again in the leg, this time a lot harder than before.  

Noel: Ahhhh!!! I'M SORRY! AHH!!

Noel said as he cried in pain. I couldn't help but put my hand over my face. I swear only Noel of all people would say hi to me like this. 

Y/N: Let me guess… the guy behind me has got to be… 

Robert: Hola homie its been a minute. 

Motherfucking Robert… 

Robert got up slowly. While holding his lower back. he slowly walks towards me and puts his hands on my shoulder. From there he uses me as a support to keep him upright. I guess I threw him down pretty hard.

Robert: Aye bro how you been? 

He said while giving me a stupid smile. 

Honestly I want to punch him in his stomach but knowing damn well i'm pretty sure Noel put him up to this… I held my hand out to Noel, he grabbed my hand as I lifted him up to his feet. 

Noel: Thanks amigo. 

Y/N: No problem. Hey noel I got something for you. 

Noel: What? 

I punched him straight in the stomach and he fell down hard. 

Noel: Bruhh why is it always me… 

He said while groaning in pain. 

Y/N: Because you're the only person I know who would do dumbshit like this thats why!

Noel: Man! I don't see you wacking the shit outta robert. 

Robert: Aw thats fucked up man. Don't go  snitching on me for the dumbshit you do. 

Y/N; Yeah besides I bet your dumbass put Robert up to this! 

Robert: Yeah foo, ¡Tú eres un Pendejo! 

Noel: Callate puta! 

Robert: Dont go hating on me for your dumbass mistakes! 

Noel: I fucking hate you dawg! 

Robert: No you fucking dont! stop lying to yourself

???: Well now, it seems like i've finally found you. 

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