Chapter 10 - The Strength of a Link

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With the support of Roselia I made the selfless decision of working with Marina at CiRCLE. Everyone around me was either overjoyed or satisfied with my decision to work here, however there's one thing I had to discuss with Marina. 

Y/N: Hey girls can you wait for me outside there's some stuff I need to discuss with Marina In private

Confused and curious about what it was that I had to discuss, they reluctantly agreed and stepped out. 

Marina: So what did you want to discuss? 

Y/N: Marina listen, I'm happy to take the job I really am but…

Marina: But…? She said with a slight look of worry on her face 

Y/N: But…There is going to be a time where I will have to disappear at any given moment…

Marina: If that day comes, then how long will you be gone for? 

Y/N: That's an answer I do not have. 

Marina: But why, though why do you have to go…?

Y/N: It's because of my father. He's very strict when it comes to me learning the company's trade. Whenever he goes around the world to do business he would take me with him so that I could learn. 

Marina: I see… I remember you mentioning something about your father teaching you about maintenance. What does your father do anyways?

Y/N: My father Is a CEO and Head engineer for Sensory and radar technology. Ever heard of "The Marcelius Corporation? 

Marina: I'm sorry but I haven't. I'm not really into that sort of thing. 

Y/N: The Marcellus Corporation is the top contender for Sensory and Radar technology with buyers coming from Major NATO allied countries such as the USA and the United Kingdom. 

Marina: I never knew you came from such a prestigious family. 

Y/N: Yes because I don't really like people to know about it and I have little to no intentions of inheriting my fathers company at all and I even made that clear to him.

Marina: If that's the case, then why bother taking you around with him if you don't even want to take his company? 

Y/N: Because my father is that type of parent who "does what's best for his children" 

I said while making air quotes

Marina: I see…

What I said was a half truth. Though my father is strict when it comes to my knowledge of his trade, He's actually that type of man who believes that i'm at that age where I should be making my own choices and in most cases he lets me do what I please because he trusts my judgement. 

But the reality of it is the fact that im first and foremost an assassin despite not being in it. I still cant help but keep that in the back of my mind. I still want to work here and for that i'm willing to make a compromise without her knowing the truth. Besides… there's
Something that the Shogun did that made me raise my level of concern…Either that or I'm just overthinking it all…but I'm not gonna take any chances especially when world class assassins are being called here by her… 

Y/N: Now that you know the truth, can you still really want to hire me now? 

Marina paused as she started thinking about it and processing it all. 

Marina:Yes! Even if you have to go away for who knows how long, I'm still willing to have you. I need you. 

I was honestly stunned by Marina's words and the fact that I was needed for something like this. It made me feel a bit happy knowing I'm needed for something that doesn't involve the death of others.

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