Chapter 5 - Lost in the Moment

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I ended up sleeping late last night because my friends wouldn't stop texting in the group chat...I guess the party kept going after calling it a night (or day for some people) but it's okay im used to operating with little to no sleep. Right now i'm on my way to rhe student council office to start my first day.

Y/N: Mornin I said while entering

Rinko: Ah Y/N?.... what brings you here

Sayo: Wow you actually came early

Y/N: yeah yeah!

I went and took a seat to relax for a bit

Y/N: So what are we doing right now?

Sayo: Were waiting for one more person shes running a little late at the moment

Y/N: I see...

A few minutes passed and after waiting for a few someone came running in the door

Arisa: Ahhhh! Sorry for being late! My grandmother needed help putting stuff in the shop this morning and it held me back a bit

Judging by the way shes panting it looks like she ran all the way here

Sayo: Thats fine

Rinko: Mmhm... glad you could make it

Arisa looked at me and was shocked that I was here

Arisa: Gyaa Y/N?! What are you doing here?!

Y/N: Yo! starting today I am now a member of student council... unfortunately

Sayo: Care to explain what got you here in the first place?

Oh you asshole!

Y/N: Lets just say I came in here yesterday and took back something that belonged to me because some lap dog wanted to enforce a stupid policy

Sayo then glared at me

Sayo: This guy right here was caught listening to music yesterday morning. I confiscated his phone yesterday and then went ahead and used a student to lure me and shirokane san out the office just so he could take it back

Rinko: that true Y/N?

Y/N:Not stealing if it was yours in the first place and I wouldve gotten away with it too if that girl wasnt in the same class as hikawa san

Arisa: Wow I honestly didnt think youd be that cleaver to do something like that.

Rinko: Wow... I didnt even know you came in the office yesterday...

Y/N: Thanks you too I tried my best to not leave a trace

Sayo: I didnt either too and I really thought that I had lost his phone but after thinking about it I thought it was wierd and when I had asked Matsubara san about it she said that you did it. After all it wasnt hard to find the only boy in the school

Y/N:Oh well it is what it is I guess so now that im here what do you making me do?

They all looked towards were Rinko was sitting

Rinko: w-why are you staring at me like that...?

Y/N: Because you're the president

Sayo: That and sensei did say that you needed more members right? 5hat and she also saidbit was your call so what do you need him to do?

Rinko then started to think about it a little bit and came to a conclusion

Rinko: well...we do need a treasurer, Another secretary to help Arisa and also an embassador in the event we need to coordinate things with another school...

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