Chapter 4 - Mending Statues From the Ground To the Sky

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A master assassin. Hailed as the most deadliest assassin to ever live...

Yet somehow was a regular...high school girl...

After being caught like a dumbass Hikawa took me by the hand and dragged me to the faculty office there she explained the events of what happened this morning. Apparently she had the impression that she had lost my phone this entire time until she thought about the events that led up and how it was odd that they were sent to the faculty office only for them to be confused by that.

While I had to explain how I got my phone back...I tried to finesse my way out of this like I usually do but seeing as that im the only boy in the school It was no use. I also had to explain why lied to the student council by using another student to send them to the faculty room when they were actually not needed...again tried to finesse that explanation as well, until they told me that the student that I used as a lure them out had told them that I was the one to tell her to do that...

Apparently shes was also In the same class as Hikawa so she just had to ask and the rest was history... talk about terrible timing and coincidence...Ya know it would be easier to get away with this if I wasnt

*Queue earrape sound FX*


Sensei: so...not only you broke a school rule but you also lied to the student council, used another student for malice intent and then entered into an unauthorized classroom and had the audacity to steal an item that was confiscated from you... I must say  L/N-san youre pretty cleaver and brave for planning such a move but also foolish at the same time...

Y/N: Technically it's not stealing if that item is yours :T

I tryed being a smartass about it

Sayo: shut up Y/N!

Y/N: Just sayin... :T

Sensei: so here's what I'm gonna do; 
The price you pay is expulsion for breaking and entering, stealng, and also misleading another student, But I'm not gonna do that, Instead you'll be dedicating your time for the next few years here on student council,  you're expected to attend every meeting and events as well dedicating your time after school

Oh hell no! Id rather take the expulsion at this point. Student council duty? Hell No! It doesnt seem too bad for others but for me, for me I got other things I want to do after schools I cant do this.

Y/N: student council really? Is there anything else you can make me do? I cant afford to stay after school everyday ya know?!

Sensei: oh yeah you got something important to do?

I thought about what she said and I realized...I'm probably just gonna talk on discord with my friends and play video games or jam out or just go out to random music stores...most of it just personal time to myself really... crap I'm at a dead end at this point and i dont wanna lie ive done that too way too much

Y/N: nevermind I'll take the stupid what are making me do in student council this time around...

Sensei: good choice! I'll let Hikawa-san and Shirokane-san decide that. For now were done here you both may go

We both walked out of the office and walked towards the gate

Sayo: Be grateful you got away with a slap on the wrist

What? You call that a slap on the wrist thats my time they're wasting how was that a fucking slap on the wrist!

Y/N: Yeahh wasting my time everyday to do something i dont want is a slap on the wrist...more like torment

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